Day in the Life

May 13, 1896

Journal Entry

May 13, 1896 ~ Wednesday

13 I was quite poorly but went to the office signed the
Liverpool Draft Book Attended to the business of
the day got a weather report through the State
^[FIGURES]^ I received a Letter from Jesse T Moses & rote him one
i[n] return I had a Bad night I am growing quite weak


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Moses, Jesse Tilton, b. 1848
9 May 1848 - 26 Feb 1928
119 mentions


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May 14, 1896 ~ Thursday 14 I met the Twelve in the Temple I was quite sick I was Administered to by the Apostles & was instantly Healed from the hard pain in my side
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Charles M. Olsen, 13 May 1896
Park Valley, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother,— I should like to leave for my mission on July 18th but if it is too late to secure passage with that company Aug. 1st will suit me all right. Hoping you have not been put to any inconvenience, by my delay in answering your letter, which was addressed to Brigham City, I remain, Your brother in the Gospel, Chas. M. Olsen. Ansd 15th May
Letter from John Julius Thorderson, 13 May 1896
Cleveland President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother I received a call from you, dated the 6th Inst to go on a mission to Iceland. In reply would say, I consider it my duty to respond, when I am called to do eney thing in this Church, as far as it is ^in^ my power, and will except the call providing I have a good partner to go with me, as you want to kno- w my feeling in regards to the call, I will try to say a few words on the same. For me to ask for a good partner is becaus I am very poor in the language. I came to this country when I was only 6 year old, have not studied the language as I should have done. I can speck partly but can not read or write the same. I realise that it will be hart for me to ^go^ into a strange country with out an exsperenced missionary. I hope that you will not exspect me to. I would like to get a man that is pretty well posted in the Iceland language and one that knew the country a little. If thair was a missionary thair now. which I could go to work with as it is in other places I would not ask what I do. My curcumstances is not as good as I would like them to be I have a Father and Mother about 70 years of age to take care of, and a baby 6 months old. its mother died 5 months ago. I will need some help in from the ward in a financial way. but will help my self all


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

May 13, 1896