Day in the Life

May 18, 1896

Journal Entry

May 18, 1896 ~ Monday

18. I went to the office & Attended A Rail Road Meeting as the
officers of the Church it places us in a peculiar situation
in building a Rail Road from Salt Lake City out to tintic
or Calafornia or Deep Creek as we have these RR
Dignitaries to Deal with & they work against us. There
Present offer may be accepted by the company


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May 14, 1896 ~ Thursday 14 I met the Twelve in the Temple I was quite sick I was Administered to by the Apostles & was instantly Healed from the hard pain in my side
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Christen Nielsen Lundsteen, 18 May 1896

Levan Juab Co President Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother! Yours of May 5th at hand, in answer to same will say: I have accepted the call, and will try to be at the Office to the appointed time. Yours respectully C. Nielsen Lundsten N. P. Rasmussen Bp. Levan

Letter from John Twiggs Gabbott, 18 May 1896

Farmers Ward . President Woodruff Dear Brother I accept the call to go on a mission to the Northern States and will endeavor to be ready by the 18th day of June next as requested Very Respectfully John T. Gabbott Henry F. Burton Bishop

Letter from Carl Christian Anton Christensen, 18 May 1896

Ephraim, . President W. Woodruff. Having been proposed as a missionairy to the city of Chicago, but, at present, un- able to comply for want of the neccessary means, I herewith, most respectfully, take liberty to suggest for your consideration a plan by which I may eventually be able to perform the said mission, and mean- while be of service to the Church in Zion. I respectfully propose to be assigned a mission pro. tem., exhibiting my own paintings, which illustrate some of the most important events in the history of the Church, but to do this effectually, there should (in my opinion) be no charge for admittance of the Teachers and Pupils of the Sunday-Schools, as I have found that many worthy children have been deprived of the benefits from that instructive exhibit- ion because their parents did not have the means, and in some cases not inte- rest enough to pay the small admission- fee that I used to charge for children.

Letter from Ezra Christiansen Dalby, 18 May 1896

Manti Utah . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, Your letter addressed to me at Levan some days ago, requesting to pre fill a mission to the Northern States received and carefully considered. In reply will say that I accept the call, and shall endeavor to fill it to the best of my ability. My circimstances at present are not so that I can go without borrowing the money necessary. Yet I will try to be ready to leave Salt Lake on the the 2nd of July as you request, ant trust in the Lord for the result. Your brother in the Gospel, Ezra Christiansen

Letter from Jacob Magleby, 18 May 1896

Monroe, Utah, . Pres. W. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro, By enclosed letter you will see that some time last year I was sent a letter of enquirey as to going on a mission. At that time I was employed to teach school. Since then I have been elected Co. Supt. of Schools, I now Iwrite you to ask what you think I ought to do, should I resign my possion as Supt. or would you suggest that I complete my term of office before making arrangements to go on a mission? Hoping you will feel free in advising me what you think and feel would be the best for me to do. Your Brother in the cause of truth, Jacob Magleby. Let him decide the matter as he thinks best for himself. J. F. S.

Letter from John William James, 18 May 1896

President Woodruff Dear Brother I can be ready by September to start far Great Britian on my mission Your Brother. John W. James Ishmael Phillips Bishop

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

to E $5 2 girls $9 14


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

May 18, 1896