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Day in the Life

Jul 7, 1896

Journal Entry

July 07, 1896 ~ Tuesday

7. President Cannon spent most of the day singing [signing]
Bonds I spent the day in the offie Abram H Cannon
is a vary sick Man He had a successful operation
performed in taking of his Ear in taking out a Polipus
a fungus growth He is vary sick


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Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
121 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
1990 mentions


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Letter from William McMillan, 3 July 1896
Answered W C S Heber July 3 [18]96 To Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received nthe notice you sent me to go on a Mission to Great Britain last satterday. the reason I have not answered sooner I had been given to under- stand that my Mission was off, and I entered into a little Bissiness. I have been trying to settle it up and dispose of it: which now I believe I can do, and with the help of the Lord I will try and be ready to start on the 15th of August. any instructions, with regards to what I shall take with
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 7 July 1896
President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, The enclosed from Presiding Authorities from Lima Branch Montana we send you for perusal and call your attention to their request for $250 half cost of a house they speak of as being suitable to meet in. We do not know anything about the suitability of the house but apparently from Brother Hopkins letter you may have heard more fully from Elders Stevenson and Cawley: I will say that the branch was organized Devember 20 last and no yet very little tithing has come to us. We will be pleased to hear your mind on the subject when convenient Your Brother in the Gospel T E. Ricks


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Jul 7, 1896