Day in the Life

Jul 9, 1896

Journal Entry

July 09, 1896 ~ Thursday

9. I went to the Temple with the presidency & Twelve &
partook of the Sacrament & talked over Brother Thatcher
affairs {but [illegible shorthand] said things that were wrong} I signed 50 Drafts


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Letter from Alvin Augustus Beelsey, James Montgomery Fullmer, and William Daniel Bowring, 9 July 1896

St. John, Kansas. To the 1st Presidency, Salt Lake Utah: Dear Brethern: We shall be very greateful if you will kindly send our Transportation without being dated, as we are to remain here a short time to entertain Elders Roberts, Pyper & Ballard and assist in deseminating Gods' word among this people before going to Zion. Thus a definate date for our leaving cannot at present be asser- tained. We are yours' with gratitude, A. A. B. J. M. F W. D. B. Pr W D Bowring

Letter from James William Nixon Jr., 9 July 1896

HUNTINGTON, UTAH, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff: Dear Bro: Your call upon me to fill a mission to California reached me in due time. In reply will say I will be on hand at the time appointed Hoping that nothing will happen to hinder me, I remain your brother in the Gospel of Peace, J. W. Nixon Peter Johnson, Bp. All right. except the doubtful endorsement of the Bp. J. F. S.

Letter from Hyrum Hand, 9 July 1896

Benjamin, . Pres't. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Bro. Having been called to a mission to Great Britain to start Oct. 1896 I write for information concerning the exact date of departure. Bro. George Reynolds said he'd advise me as to the time but wishing to know now in order to shape my work accordingly, I ask this ^favor,^ if you are able to state. Your Brother in the Gospel Hyrum Hand

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 9 July 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah. To the First Presidency Office Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: Elders W. D. Bowring, Alvin A. Beesley and James M. Fullmer have been regularly and honorably released from laboring as missionaries in Indian Territory Mission, and I ask that on application to you transportation may be furnished them home, and you will greatly oblige. Very Respctfully Andrew Kimball OK G. R. G. R. this came in letter to me. W. C. S. Attended to July 14 [18]96

Letter from John Norris, 9 July 1896

Sugar House Salt Lake City To First Presidincy of the Church of Jesus Crist of Latter Day Saints Dear Brothers Having Bin called to go on a Mission to Great Bretian in September My Desire is to go and I Will Be Ready at that time Your Brother John Norris Elder John Norris is worthy to go Fforth and Preach this Gospel. We take Pleasure in recommending Him as such A. G. Driggs, Bishop


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Jul 9, 1896