Day in the Life

Jul 10, 1896

Journal Entry

July 10, 1896 ~ Friday

10 A folded letter/box I spent the day in the office had some pleasing
conversation with Brigham Young


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Young, Brigham (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
589 mentions


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Letter from Silas Sanford Topham, 10 July 1896
Paragoonah . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, S. L. City, Utah. Dear Brother, Having recieved your letter of 26 ult. calling me for a Southern States mission, I take pleasure in replying as follows. If all is well and favor- able with me and mine and no reasonable obst- acle in the way, I will present my self to you in S. L City April 1897, prepared to take my mission. Trusting the spirit of our Heavenly Father will be with us continualy
Letter from Isaac Eberhard David Zundel, 10 July 1896
Thatcher Pres. Wilford Woodruff and Counsil. In January 1895 you called me on a mission in Arizona and wished me to accompany M. G. Trejo to the Apache Reservation, but Pres. Layton and counsil advis- ed us not to go. And as I really did not know wahat was required of me; I thought it wise and propper to report my self and say I am still on hand if wanted to go and fill every requirement made of me by the servants of God. I Remain Your Bro in the Everlasting Covenant (over)
Letter from Francis Asbury Hammond, 10 July 1896
Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah, My Dear Brother In baptizing the people of this Ward in oder to find out who are entitled to vote on the matter of placing the church real estate into the hands of Trusttees for the use and benifit of the real members of the Ward, will you please send me a copy of the words that should be used in the ceremoney of baptizem and also for the confermation? We desire to have it properly performed. Please forward it as soon as convenient, and greatly oblige your humble servant in the Lord F. A. Hammond


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Jul 10, 1896