Day in the Life

Aug 10, 1896

Journal Entry

August 10, 1896 ~ Monday

10. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received 2 Letters from Sarah saying Newton
was quite sick had a Meeting of the power company
at 2 oclok AP.M. we were visited by about 150 Ladies of
the Annual Meeting of the fire chiefs of the United States
they came in at one Door went through our office
& out of another Door we shook hands with them all
as they went through


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Woodruff, Newton, b. 1863
3 Nov 1863 - 21 Jan 1960
157 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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Letter from Christian Daniel Fjeldsted, 10 August 1896

Cicago . President Willford Woodruff and Councilors. Salt Lake City Dear Bretheren! According to request of the local authorities of the Chicago Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints who consist of about 40 members, (who are all poor, and some of them without work at present) wishes to know, if you will kindly consent to what little tithing that is paid in, amou^n^ting to about 6 or 8 dollars per month; could be used here, for the hiring of halls; as they are otherwise unable to pay for same; and the Elders here have all they can do, to keep themselves, while laboring among the people. Your reply is kindly solicitid The work of God is progressing slowly and at present, an account of the exstreem hot wea- ther, the people will rather go to Parks and other places of resorts, then to meetings on Sabath days

Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond, William Halls, Platte D. Lyman, 10 August 1896

P. O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah, . Elders F. A. Hammond, Wm. Halls Platte D. Lyman, Presidency of the San Juan Stake of Zion. Dear Brethren: Our attention has been called to a difficulty exist- ing between the people of Bluff and those of Monticello over an attempt on the part of both peoples to purchase what is known as the Carlisle Ranche. We understand that the peoples of both places need these lands with their waters; that both have been induced to make the purchase, and that the spirit to out-bid each other has grown up among them to such an extent as to result in very bad feelings. We do not for a moment think it necessary to point out to you the folly of brethren permitting themselves to become rivals of each other in an attempt to get possession of the same piece of property; and especially allowing that spirit to so far get possession of them as to make them feel at emnity against each other, for the reason that you and they, of course, know that this state of things must of necessity seriously affect their own pockets as well as the good relations which should exist between them. Evidently our brethren at Bluff and Monticello need to be reasoned with; and we trust that you will feel yourselves called upon to thake this matter in hand, if you have not already done so, for the purpose of showing them the weakness of their position; and how necessary it is, from a business standpoint alone,

Letter from B. L. Cruff, 10 August 1896

To Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother For sometime I have referained from writing you for information, that mostly int- erests myself. I fully realise your age, the many demands made upon your strength and time. now Bro Woodruff if the subject is one you do not wish to reply to you need not answer. I will understand it so by your silence. Bro H. L. Hall has asociated himself with me in business, for some cause their is a terrible feeling here against Bro Hall that I do not wish to sh- are if he is guilty of any unlawful act. he has lived in my family

Letter from Thomas Hull, Nephi Lowell Morris, George Henry Brimhall, and Willard Done, 10 August 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Presidents Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith, City. Dear Brethren:— At the Officers meeting of the Conference of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations, held in May last, Elders B. H. Roberts, Geo. H. Brimhall, Geo. D. Pyper, Chas. B. Stewart and Thomas Hull were appointed a committee on Address and Recommendations. Their duty was to draft an address and make such suggestions as they deemed wise to the Associations They were to report to the General Superintendency. Elders Roberts and Pyper, having been called upon a mission, resigned early in July and Elders Willard Done and Nephi L. Morris were appointed to fill the vacancies. In his letter of resignation, Elder Roberts made a number of suggest- ions in regard to Mutual Improvement Work, among which was one that the Associations should have an actual, rather than a nominal head. When the letter was read at the meeting of the General Superinten- dency on July 20th, this suggestion met with President Woodruff's appro- val, and while no action was taken, as indeed there could not be at that meeting, it seemed to be the feeling that both President Woodruff and President Smith should be released from this Superintendency. The letter and suggestions were referred to this committee. After very careful consideration of this subject, the committee are

Letter from Christian Daniel Fjeldsted, 10 August 1896

Chicago President W. Woodruff and Councelers dear Brothren! As my Family stand in need of some means for their suport while I am still working in the ministry, I ask you to kindly appropriate some means for that porpuse, and as ever I shal always feel greatefull for the favor I receave from you. Your Brother in the Gospel C. D. Fjeldsted


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Aug 10, 1896