Day in the Life

Aug 11, 1896

Journal Entry

August 11, 1896 ~ Tuesday

11 Keys crossed I spent the day in the office we Met with the Ogden
Power Company
there was a good Deal of Excitement
Mr Banigan sent a check for $70,000 but word
came that Mr Banigan had his Real Esstate
& his bank accounts all seized by the Rubber company
and the $70000 Dollar check which He had sent
Us could not be paid which would stop our work
in Logan Canyon The Rubber Company had sued Mr Banni-
gan for $300000, & Bannigan had sued them for $1000000
but we soon got a Dispatch saying that his checks to
us would be paid which settled the Matter with us
Elizabeth Foss & Phebe Sessions visited us at the House


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Foss, Phebe Carter Sessions
2 Nov 1831 - 25 Jul 1913
22 mentions


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Letter from Jedediah Stringham, 11 August 1896
Bountiful, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro Answering your letter of Febuary 18th 1896 calling me on a mission to Great Britain to start from Salt Lake City at as early a date as October 1896. will state I will be ready to start at any Date in October. kindly notify me at your earliest convenience on what date you wish me to start Your Brother in the Gospel Jed Stringham David Stoker Bishop
Letter from George Hubbard Lytle, 11 August 1896
Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received a letter asking me to take a mission but I just received it and will not be able to get there on that date but if you will extend it untill the 1st November I will try and get there if Possible If you want me then I will try and fix things and go your Brother in the Gospel Geo. H Lytle James Andrus Bishop That will be all right. Say, from 1st to 15th of Nov. J. F. S.
Letter from Llewellyn Harris, 11 August 1896
Mr. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, i feel it my Duty to write you a few Lines to let you know that i have sold out my home at Escalante on acount of haven Receved Letters from Brother Trago stating that he would Be glad to have me acompaney him to Mexico to help Build up a Settlement in that Country Wher Brother Trago and Myself Labored sume among the Natives about 13 years ago, and after i arived at St. Davied Arizona Brother Trego Tould the Bishop of St David that the Authorit Church Authorities Worked


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Aug 11, 1896