Day in the Life

Aug 19, 1896

Journal Entry

August 19, 1896 ~ Wednesday

Aug 19th I wrote to Joseph F. Smith. We took a carriage
in the morning and rode to the Park and Sea shore, and


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4145 mentions

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Letter from Samuel Whitney Richards, 19 August 1896
President, W. Woodruff, and Council: Dear Bretheren: Permit me to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 12th inst, with accompanying Blanks for reports of returning missionaries &c: and to assure you it shall be my pleasure to do all in my power to assist you in the realization of all that is desired, as expressed therein. This mission has been somewhat unfortunate in having so many of the missionaries return home before their labors had become really profitable to the mission, or to themselves. Nearly all of them have been Elders without experience in the missionary field, and quite a number with very little knowledge of the Bible, the Gospel, or history of the Church. Very much of this necessary information has to be acquired by careful study after reaching their fields of labor. Not having experienced Elders to labor with and assist this class, it is very difficult with them to over come the embarrass- ment which delays their appearing in public, other than by distributing tracts and having an occasional conversation with individuals.
Daybook (13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896)
19. I wrote to J. F. Smith we ^20^ rode to the cliff & saw the seals 19 we road to the park & sea shore


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Aug 19, 1896