Day in the Life

Aug 27, 1896

Journal Entry

August 27, 1896 ~ Thursday

Aug 27th We took cars in the morning and rode to
San Francisco 125 miles. went to the Baths. then took
cars for Los Angeles ^and San Diego^ (482 miles). rode all night. I
did not sleep, as I did too much yesterday.


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Letter from Russell T Chandler, 27 August 1896
St George President Woodruff dear brother will you please to al low me to ask you for a little in formation con cerning one little item the unpardnable sin brother is lazyness the un pardnable sin. dear brother why I ask you this question is this Bishop Cottam Bishop of fourth Ward st george sent me a little less than two years ago to stay with a man in his ward I went willingly done and still as I am toled soon after I got to staying with this man something toled me what my deuty is here it is to study his ailments and the causes of them I am a greeing with the Priest hood of Stgeorg when I say the causes of his troubles ^is^ lazyness brother if this man ever had a desire to work for salvation he has lost it brother he will cry sometimes like a whip child and he would like to get out of his troubles he has been out of work so long he has lost and looseing all his strength it seams he has refused to obey the voice of the Priest hood and has been checking his self from work for if I remember right about twenty year's we hav offered him work and tried to get him to show a will to work he is refuseing to try to work am I justified when I tell him no man can stay
Daybook (13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896)
Aug 27 we took cars in the Morning & rode to San Fran Cisco 125 Miles we w left to the Baths we then took cars for Loss Angels rode all Night I did not sleep any I done to Much yester- day


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Aug 27, 1896