Day in the Life

Sep 7, 1896

Journal Entry

September 07, 1896 ~ Monday

Monday Sept 7th This Island is 22 miles long and from 1 to 8
miles wide entirely mountaineous. We took Steamer and
arrived at San Pedro, thence by rail to Los Angeles 40 miles.
We stopped and took dinner at our former hotel, and parted
with our Mormon friends and took cars for home. We
rode through that afternoon & night. I suffered much
through the night, did not sleep at all. I got up and dressed
and slept a short time.


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Letter from Leon B. Hampton, 7 September 1896

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Yours of Aug the 25th wherein you say my name has been suggested and acc- eped as a Missionary to the sSouthern States. In answer I say that, the Lord helping me I will do my best to honuorably fill the mission to which I have been called and will be ready to start on the day stated, Nov. 10, 1896. Your Brother in the Gospel Leon B. Hampton

Letter from Richard Ellis Yeates, 7 September 1896

Logan, President Woodruff Have received your notification of a Call to leave Salt Lake City Dec 3rd next to perform a Mission to the Northern States, I am willing to go and will Endea- vour to ^be^ ready at that time. Your Brother in the Gospel Richard E. Yeates Robert Davidson Bp

Letter from Wilford Hess, 17 September 1896

Farmington President Woodruff and Council Dear Brotheren, I seat myself to pen you in regard to my leaving on the 12 inst to the Southern States Mission I have been troubled for some months past with the Neuraliga of the stomach and I am under the Doctors care and he advises me to have the time extended till I feel better if it can be without Inconveniencing you to much, he ses it is not safe for me to start out as yet. I will try and be ready by October or at least will report to you as soon as I am able to goe please let me know how you feel about the matter as soon as possible. Very Respectfully Your Brother in the gospel Wilford Hess Farmington Utah

Daybook (13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896)

7 Emma was sick through the night with the [Diarrhes] 7. we took breakfast at 6 Island is 22 Miles Long from 1/2 to 8 miles wide entirely Mountainous barely

Daybook (13 August 1896 - 14 September 1896)

room to set a House we took steamer & rode to Loss Angels 40 Miles we stop & took Dinner at our Former Hotel We then parted with o[u]r Mormon Friends & we took cars for Home we rode through the Day & Night I had a very bad night I suffered much through the Night I did not sleep at all & got up & Dressed & slept a short time Sept 7. we rode to trucy had to wait for a team of cars to come in for us to take we went on for [Slaclor] where there was a farm


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Sep 7, 1896