Day in the Life

Sep 27, 1896

Journal Entry

September 27, 1896 ~ Sunday

27. Sunday I spent a part of the day at Ovandos took dinner


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Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions

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Letter from Alberto Gibby, 27 September 1896

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your letter of the 25th inst was recived And will say in reply I am pleased to stat that I will ^be^ ready on ^the^ date mentioned Your Brother in the Ghospel. Bert Gibby. This young Man is A member of our Ward and in full fellowship Your Bror in the Gospel Bishop Charles Turner

Letter from William E. Clark, 27 September 1896

Pleasant Grove . Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: Your letter of Sept 10th was received. In reply will say that I will be ready to start for Great Britain on my mission on the tdate mentioned, Oct 17th 1896. I have been informed that it will be necessary for me to receive my endowments before going. Is this correct? Please advise and oblige Your Brother in the Gospel William E. Clark Joseph E Thorne Bp of Pl Grove 1st Ward

Letter from John Bethewel Thatcher Jr., 27 September 1896

Thayne, Uinta Co. Wyo Sept 27th 1896 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother At the request of Elder Neuenswan der, I answer your letter of 8th inst. Elder N. is perfectly willing to accept a mission to Switzerland, but wishes to get his full citizen papers before leaving. He is inform- ed that he can get his papers (2nd) in Salt Lake City at any time. If this is correct, he will be in the city by the date given in your letter. If not, he will have to wait until the next term of court, in April [18]97. If he can get his 2nd papers there, please let him know at once, and he will arrange to come down.

Letter from William Robert McCracken, 27 September 1896

Pres. Woodruff. Dear Brother, In reply to the call I received; will say, I am willing to go on my mission but circum- stances will not permit my going untill June, as I am engaged to teach school. I think by the aid of my Creator I will be well prepared. Your brother in the Gospel Wm R. McCracken The same as in the case of bro. Smith J. F. S.

Letter from Willis Henry Smith, 27 September 1896

Smithfield President Woodruf Dear Bro. In regard to the call I have received, I will say, that my present circumstances are such that I cannot see how I can go at so early a date as Oct. 24th I have just started to teach school, and feel that with the Blessings of my Crea- tor to aid me in preparing my self I may be able to go in June. Hoping to hear


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Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Sep 27, 1896