Day in the Life

Oct 11, 1896

Journal Entry

October 11, 1896 ~ Sunday

11 Sunday I spent this day at home I met with
Hon Abraham Fernando who is a Latter Day Saint
and has labored hard for the Church of L.D.S. He is
here on a visit & Now returning home


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Letter from Tobe Felkins, 11 October 1896
President Wilford Woodruff As I have receiced a notice to take a mission to the Southern States. I am willing to go and do the best I can Your Brother in the Gospel Tobe Felkins Daniel McRae Bishop
Letter from William Edward Morgan, 11 October 1896
Blue Creek, . Pres. Wilford Woodruf Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: Circum- stances are such that I will be unable to start on a mission by Nov. 10th and I should like to be released from starting on that date. I will be able to go by December first if that date is agreeable. Although I feel my weakness in taking such a resposnsibility I hope and pray that I will ^be^ able to fill the mission in an exceptable manner. Your Bro W. E. Morgan Willard City Utah. Abraham Zundel Bp
Letter from Orson Smith and Isaac Smith, 11 October 1896
Logan First Presidency. Dear Brethern Again we feel it our duty to inform you regarding the course pursed by Bro Mosses Thatcher. This morning he went to the funeral of the little child of Bp B. M. Lwis and spoke 40 minetes and at 2 P.m. he again spoke 45 min and while I was not present nmyself Bro Isaac was, and says his remarks were in something of the same strain as yesterday in the Priesthood meeting and while he showd a little humility I feel that the spirit of it is not as it should be, and it is more of an appeal to the sympathies of the Sts. than to set himself right with his brethern. Already he has caused some of our brethern to express them- selves, that they felt it was wrong to mention his case at conference and it is openly said that you had made a solem promise not to mention it.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Oct 11, 1896