Day in the Life

Nov 1, 1896

Journal Entry

November 01, 1896 ~ Sunday

Nov 1. Sunday I Attended the sabbath school in the Morning
they had a large school I Addressed them at the close
Afternoon the Meeting house was cramed fuller than
Ever before Brother Teasdale spoke some 40 Minuts
And the Power of God was upon Me & I had a good
time the spirit of the Lord was upon me All the Saints
seemed to appreciate my visitation there vary Much


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Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
708 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Letter from Peter Sanford Olson, 1 November 1896
Mink Creek Ida To President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, yesterday Oct 31st I reecived a call from you to go on a mission to Scandinavia and will say in reply to it, that I will be ready to go at the time stated in the call (April 1897) Your Most Respectfully Brother Peter S Olson R. Rasmussen
Letter from Thomas Clayton, 1 November 1896
Preston Idaho President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: I received your letter of notification some few days ago. And will say in reply that I accept the Mission to Australasia according to my appointment. And will try & be prpared to leave at the appointed time in January. Trusting that this answer will be satisfactorily I I remain your Brother in the Gospel. Thomas Clayton
Discourse 1896-11-01
President Wilford Woodruff was then called upon to address the Saints and in substance was as follows: "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." The sectarian world commence their prayers in that manner. They do not realize what they are saying While on the other hand the saints of God fully realize the importance of this prayer. It is a certain con- solation to every son and daughter of God to know that their Father in Heaven is ready and willing to answer the prayers that are offered up to him in humbleness. I know that the God of Heavens lives. That the priesthood which he has given to us is true, and I know that the spirit of God is with this people. He will be with us at all times if we do that which is right in the sight of God. He related the time when he first heard the gospel of Christ. How one night he came home after a hard day's toil from the shores of Lake Ontario. The night was wet and chilly, and as he got inside the door of his home how he was told that two Mormon elders had been to his house and had left word that they would hold a meeting that night. He went to that meeting and there he heard the gospel for the first time. He felt a new hope and he had a desire to know more of that gospel. He bought a book of Mormon and sat up all night to read it. The next day he went and asked to be baptized, and he and his brother were baptized into the church of God. I have grown up with that gospel which I heard on that stormy night in 1833. We are engaged in a glorious work and ought not to trouble ourselves about the affairs of this world. He hoped, however, that they would look after the things of God instead of work- ing too much for the things of the world. I want the young men who are in the Sabbath schools to grow up pro- perly. Many of the young men are given to smoking, drinking, which is not right in the sight of God. Do not be discouraged with regard to your relig- ion. Your religion is true and you will find it all right. He related an inci- dent of the power and spirit of God while he was traveling in Staffordshire during the early days of the church in England. Whilst in the Potteries he had been speaking nearly every night, and moreover he was booked to speak for some time to come. The next night however, the spirit of God told him that that would be the last time he would speek in those parts for some time to come. He thereupon asked the Lord to reveal to him what He wished him to do. He was told to go to a place about eighty miles distant. He did not ask any questions but went as commanded. Arriving there he found a great many people who were ready to receive the gospel. He bap- tised about two thousand people before he left for other parts. Also showed to the saints that he was called upon to visit the Fox islands and there also he found many who were desirous to give obedience to the principles of the most holy faith. Spoke of the endow- ments he had received under the Prophet Joseph. Also of how he had been through the persecutions at Kirt- land and other places. The saints of God will be safe when the judgements are being poured out over the face of the earth. That the Son of God will come in the clouds of heaven and dwell with the saints for a thousand years on the earth. Look at these things as they are. No man had this authority since the church dwin- dled into unbelief till the power was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith. The gospel of life and salvation was to both Jew and Gentile. No matter how long I live, whether I tarry for only a while or not the gospel of Christ will go on and fulfil its destiny. God bless you. Amen.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Nov 1, 1896