Day in the Life

Dec 8, 1896

Journal Entry

December 08, 1896 ~ Tuesday

8 I met with the Ogden Power Company to give
out the contract on building the Dam A Brother
by the Name of [blank] Plant who married Mrs Norman
Normans widow. This woman wanted me
to send a Lawyier to her to Make out a Deed
of her Property to me as Trustee of the Church as
she wants the Church to have her property when she is Dead
Our condition on Money Matters we are in
More Debt than we can pay I had a vary sick night
& without sleep

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Letter from David Mann, 8 December 1896

Bountiful, Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro: Your letter of 4th received & would say; I will be ready to go at any time. Very Respectfully David Mann Lewis M. Grant Bishop

Letter from Alma Edwards Hubbard, 8 December 1896

Lago Idaho . First Presidency of the Church of Laterday Saints. Dear bretheren, In your last letter you said if I would let you know at what station I would get on the train you would make arrangements for me to get cheap rates, if that is possible I will be very much pleased. I will get on the train at Logan Cache Valley on the 23 or 24 of this Month Your brother in the Gospel Alma Hubbard Answered Dec 11 [18]96 W. C. S.

Letter from Francis Marion Stewart, 8 December 1896

Sanpete Co. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: You wrote me last Spring, that when I was ready to go on a mission to let you know, in reply will say that I can go any time after Jan 1, 1897 But I am a poor scholar and do not know much about Scripture and have had a very little practice in public speaking, but if you say so I will go and do the best I can with the help of the Lord. I would like for you to let me know if you want me to go so I can be ready, and let me say that my circumstances are such that I can go. Your brother in the Gospel F M Stewart

Letter from Jennie May Scoville Wheeler, 8 December 1896

Torrington, Conn., Mr. Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir: I will begin my letter by introducing myself as the wife of Homer Chidsey Wheeler of Torrington, son of Amos Wheeler and Martha Chidsey, his wife who were of Avon, Ct. My husband, upon seeing an en- graving of your face, illustrating an item on the "Latter day Saints" in the Christian herald, spoke of your relation to his family, and right away I thought you might be able, if you are willing to help me in a matter of geneology, which is my motive for writing this letter.

Letter from Joseph Pusamzies, 8 December 1896

Chicago Werther Bruder im Herrn Ich fühle mich veranlast im interesse des Reiches Gottes zu schreiben wie sie wohl wissen werden habe ich vor einem Jahr an Ihnen geschrieben das hier nach Deutscher Misson verlangt wurde was auch die Ältesten bestätigt haben die durchgereist sind, ich bekam sofort Bescheid von Br. Clark das er einen Deutschen Altesten senden wird, sofort nam ich einen Platz für Versamlung das hat gekostet 7 Dolar den Monat und dieses war 3 Monat lang in dieser Zeit kamen auch Englische Alteste, und ^ich^ habe Anocen einsetzen lassen in die zeitung und so sind die meisten Mitglieder zusammen gekomen so das der Platz zu klein war und ^musste^ ich um einen andrn Platz


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 8, 1896