Day in the Life

Dec 10, 1896

Journal Entry

December 10, 1896 ~ Thursday

10 I met with the Apostles at the Temple and Attended to considerable
business At the close of our Meeting we returned to the
Office had an interview with Mr Bannister &
Learned that C. C Richards was at the Head of
a plan to stop the progress of the power plant in
Ogden Canyon This seeme strange to me I got
a Note from Duly wanted one of his Notes paid
Brother Jack is paying the interest


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Letter from Zebedee Coltrin, 10 December 1896

Bountiful President Wilford Woodruff, S. L. City Dear Brother Yours of the 4th inst. requesting me to go on amission to Colorado with John W. Taylor was rcieved with much pleasure and I will be ready to go at Brother Taylors notice and proud to be worthy of the call. Your Brother in the Gospel. Zebedee Coltrin Bountiful Lewis M Grant Bishop

Letter from James Benjamin Waldron, 10 December 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In reply to yours of the Seventh, can say I am glad to be called to represent such a noble cause. Will be ready at the time appointed. Your Brother in the Gospel, James B. Waldron. Bro. James B. Waldron is a faith- ful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A. D. Dickson, Bishop.

Letter from Thomas Phillips, 10 December 1896

Porterville To the first Presidency. Dear Brethern, I recieved your of inquirey and ^in reply^ will say that I will try and be ready, when you want me. Your Brother, Thomas Phillips. Notify Gr. B. 10 Jan [18]97.

Letter from Rudger Clawson, 10 December 1896

P. O. Box 101. Brigham City, Utah, Prest W. Woodruff Dear brother: In reply to your letter of the 3rd inst would say that brother Oleen N. Stohl has been appointed as a delegate to represent this County at the Nat. Irrigation Congress to be held in Phoenix, Arizona. He will be on hand at the time appointed. With Kind regards, Your brother Rudger Clawson

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Benjamin F Barney & Percilla S Barney Paid for Divorse 10 Carried to Page 224 $1445


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Dec 10, 1896