Day in the Life

Jan 5, 1897

Journal Entry

January 05, 1897 ~ Tuesday

5 I spent the day in the office we had a Meeting with
Joseph Daynes concerning the organ we Met with
the board of Zions savings Bank


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Daynes, Joseph John (Jr.)
7 Nov 1873 - 19 Sep 1963
22 mentions


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Letter from Thomas Leishman, 5 January 1897
Wellsville President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to your inquire of my condition to take a Mission to Great Britain. Dated Dec. 30th 1896. I can say that I am ready to start February 20th 1897 to do the best I can and will be in Salt Lake City on the 19th of Feb. 1897 to be set apart for said Mission. From your Brother in the Gospel, Thomas Leishman I Endose the above Your Brother Wm H Maughan Bishop
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Paid Own on Cutter paintig 9 00 [Jan 5] Paid for Mending Teeth 5 [Jan 5] Paid for Wilford A Woodruff 5 [Jan 5] Paid Owen T $8 To Margaret $5 13 [Jan 5] paid Sarah $10 Phebe Snow $5 Newton 5 20 [Jan 5] paid Jesse Moses $5 Lamb 15 20 water docket $4.25 {shorthand} $5 ^c^ts $5 $10 14 25


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford changes fast day from the first Thursday to the first Sunday of each month.

Jan 5, 1897