Day in the Life

Jan 6, 1897

Journal Entry

January 06, 1897 ~ Wednesday

6 I I spent the day in the ^offic^ I had a good Deal of company


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Letter from Joseph Howell McKnight, 6 January 1897
Minersville Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of Jan 15 Accepting my name as a missionary to gGreat Britian. As far as I know at present I will be on hand, at the time appointed. Hooping I will be able to accom- polish a good work in the missionary field. I remaine Your Bro. in the Gospel Jos. McKnight. George Eyre B.P.
Letter from Peter Dineson, 6 January 1897
Parkersburg Ia Postmaster, Sir. Could you give me the Post Office address of a man by the name of Jergon Dineson he used to live mear Salt lake city but the last we heard he talked of moveing to southrn Idaho. He went to S. Lake City about 30 or 35 years ago he is of Danish Nationality and a strong Member of the Mormon Church. Perhaps the Sectary of the church at your place would know where hin is. If you dont find out please Deliver this to the Sect of Mormon church. Very Resp Peter Dineson Parkersburg, Iowa.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Jan ^^ Sondries at Tithig Office 16


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Jan 6, 1897