Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1897

Journal Entry

January 10, 1897 ~ Sunday

10. ISunday I spent the day at home resting

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Letter from Eliza Hunsaker Willie, 10 January 1897
Mendon, Cache Co Prest Willford Woodruff Dear Bro my health has been very poor for the last ten years and not haveing much faith in Docters and been to the temple but have not received the benefit I expected to therefrom and I have thought if you would please confer your blessing on me in and through this kerchief it would be truly and thankfully received through persuasion and my suffering I went under an examanation and the Docters say I will have to undergo an operation and if it is nessary will you bless me that I may come through it all right and live to care for
Letter from Walter Evans, 10 January 1897
Centreville Pres. Wilford Woodruff; Dear Sir: Your letter, of Dec. 8th is at hand, inquiring if my circumstances were such that I could leave for a mission to the Southern States on February 18th 1897. I do not know, at present, of any thing which will prevent my going on that date. I will therefore make arrang- ments to leave the 18th of February for a mission to the Southern States. Yours Resp., Walter Evans. A B Porter Bp
Letter from Andrew Kimball, 10 January 1897
^Chicago^ St. John Kansas, To the First Presidency Salt Lake City Dear Brethren: Having completed my work at St. John, in the Kansas Conference, I take pleasure in writing you concerning the affairs of that conference. You will see in an article submitted to the Deseret News what a splendid and profitable time we have had together. Notwithstanding what may have been thought or said, to the contrary, a good work is being done at St. John. In our Sunday school we have about fourty five mem- bers, the majority of whom are between fourteen and eighteen, the children of good respectable people, all of whom seem well pleased with our efforts, and though they are not themselves, L. D. Saints, are willing for their children to become members when they are old enough to choose for themselves. You understand of coarse all our teachings are of the choicest character, and all gospel.


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Jan 10, 1897