Day in the Life

Jan 11, 1897

Journal Entry

January 11, 1897 ~ Monday

11 I spent the day in the office we held several Business
Meetings with Ogden Power Company, and Saltair R R. Co
I droped my under teeth & broke them in the Middle & Charles
mended them. It is Presidents George Q. Cannon
birth day He is 70 years old to day He is smart and
well preserved And ability to do much Work


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Cannon, Charles Mousley
2 Jan 1869 - 11 Jan 1899
3 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2287 mentions


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Letter from Joseph John Daynes Sr., 11 January 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah, 189[7] President Wilford Woodruff and Counsellors, City. Honored Bretheren: It is with great pleasure that I state, that at any time it is the desire of the Presidency to have an Organ Recital, given in the Tabernacle, my services are at your disposal. Word left at the store of Daynes & Coalter a few hours before the appointed time will receive my immediate attention. Respectfuly yours, Jos. J. Daynes
Letter from M. W. Pratt, 11 January 1897
Salt Lake City, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff and Councilors Dear Brethren: For some seven years I have acted as Bishop in Teton Basin, and so far as I have been able to fulfill the duties of my calling I have had pleasure and satisfaction in my labors. My financial condition seems to demand that I seek employment for a time outside of our Valley to enable me to meet my obligations and secure my interests in the Valley I have laid the matter before the Presidency of our stake and they have requested me to lay the facts before you and get your counsel I will be in the city till tomorrow evening and if you will kindly let me know what time will be most convenient for an interview, you will much oblige. Your Brother in the Gospel M. W. Pratt
Letter from James T. White & Company Publishers, 11 January 1897
New York. January 11, 1897 Hon. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: We have written you several times concerning our bill of $500.00 now due for making portraits of the Mormon Presidents, and re- gret that we have not heard from you in reply to the same. We are anxious to have this group appear in the seventh volume, and so there may be no further delay we have this day drawn on you for this amount at three days sight. Kindly honor draft when presented, and oblige, Yours very truly, James T. White & Co.


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Jan 11, 1897