Day in the Life

Jan 16, 1897

Journal Entry

January 16, 1897 ~ Saturday

16 I spent the day at home it snowed hard all day

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Letter from Monroe Twitchell, 16 January 1897
Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt lake City Utah Dear Brother I am willing to submi- t and arrange my affairs accord- ingly, altho' I deeply sense my inibility as a missionary some what relizeing the duty thereof. But God being my help I will try to do my best. Your Brother Monroe Twitchell Andrew P. Schow Bishop
Letter from George Carlos Murdock, 16 January 1897
Beaver City . President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother Your letter informing me of a call to go on a Mission to the Eastern States is at hand. Will say as it is your desire and also of the President of our Stake and his Council, and that they feel that I am worthy to fill that position. I will go and perform a Mission to the best of my ability and shall arrange my business to be in Salt Lake City in due time. Yours Very Respectfully Geo C. Murdock over page
Letter from William Moroni Palmer, 16 January 1897
To the first presidency My dear brethern Pardon me for troubling you with my affairs but I have no other way left me. I am in debt to the amount of $12300 I have tryed hard to keep out of debt, but this was for farm implements and fence wier which I could not do without Nothing was left me but 30 acors of land four years a go and it not fenced. I got just $19500 out of my first wifes estate for the childern. My family is large, and my farm fil will barly furnish provisions. I have here to fore worked for The Contributor and was to have comenced working for it last September this I aranged with bro. A. H. Cannon last spring, but the Contributor failed or I would of been square with the world. Now I ask you (for this is my only chance) to lone me $10000 in grain at the Aurora Sevier Co. tithen ofice which will be mostly oats, with which I can pay debts or all that are crowding. I have tried all my close friends in Richfield Provo Ogden and Salt Lake. I would get it of money loaners over


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Jan 16, 1897