Day in the Life

Jan 19, 1897

Journal Entry

January 19, 1897 ~ Tuesday

19 I went to Ogden, then up the canyon I visited all the
Electric works And I was overwhelmed with Amazement
of the inventions of Man At the ponderous Machinery
for producing We ^the^ Electricity we took Dinner up the cannon
& Returned to Salt Lake Distance of the day 90 Miles


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Letter from Louis David Fayter, 19 January 1897

Mill Creek President Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother I receved your Letter wilch calls me to go on a mission to great briatain on the 27 of march 1897, and of wich I am willing to except and do the very best I can with the help of the lord to susstain me. I am the only one in the Church of Christ of may my fathers house, and I have had a great desire to go and try to teach them the gospel the best I konow how your brother in the gospel Louis Fayter S. L. Co. Utah

Letter from Andrew Hyrum Larson, 19 January 1897

Washington President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother I received your letter dated Jan 16 and in answer will say that I accept the call and will be on hand as required but I will say that I can not speak the Scandinavinan language at all, and my Education is very limited I remain your Brother in the Gospel Andrew. H. Larson Andrew Sproul Bp.

Letter from Frederick G. Twede, 19 January 1897

Mapleton . Wilford Woodruff S L City Dear Brother, Yours of the 15th inst was received in due time In reply I can say that I accept the call as missionary, and will report in due time in order to make nessery preperations to depart on the date you name feb. 20th. Your Brother in the Gospell F. G. Twede Wm. T. Tew Bp

Letter from William Crosby b. 1872, 19 January 1897

Kanab, Kane Co., Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Yours of the 12 inst. come to hand and in reply will say that I will be on hand at the time mentioned in your letter. Can you get me reduced fare from Belnap if so kindly arrange or procure me a ticket and forward to my address, and I will settle on my arrivel in the City and oblige. Your Brothr in the G. W Crosby. P.S. I would like to arrange so as to lay off one day at Provo if it so could be arranged with R. R. Company. W. C. Joel H. Johnson Bishop [sideways text] Answered Jany 25, 1897 W C S [end of sideways text]

Letter from Joseph Facer, 19 January 1897

Willard Pres Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother In reply to your letter of the 14th inst asking if I can be ready to perform a Mission to the Southern States starting in Mar next. I wish to say— while I feel my weaknes in attemp- ting so important an undertaking still if you deem one worthy to be called to so honorable a position, I will be on hand to go and with the help of the Lord do all I can to advance His work upon the earth Relying upon the help of the Lord and the faith and prayers of my brethern. I am Your Brother in the Gospel, Joseph Facer. Abraham Zundel Bp

Letter from Hans Casperson Hansen, 19 January 1897

To Pres. W. Woodruff, S. Lake City, Ut. Dear Brother: Allow me to call your attention to one fact which is this: Is not the Lehi Sugar Factory's financial standing O.K.? If a party wishes to increase his sugar shares, can he not do it? I was given the answer no. by the company's Secretary, as he told me, they did not need any more shares. And now I have been offered to sell my shares at a price $3.50 below par. The offeer was given me by Heber J Grant & Co. Fire Ins. Co., whose Secretary, I think is also Secretary for the Sugar Co., I had subscribed to the

Letter from James Niels Sorenson, 19 January 1897

Washington Bro. Woodruff: Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your most welcom letter was gladly received this evening. Bro. Woodruff: I can truly say that I can only talk the English Langwich I can not say nor under- stand a word in Danish and I would much rather go to some other county. But if you can not make the change I will willingly accept the mission granted me.


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Jan 19, 1897