Day in the Life

Mar 2, 1897

Journal Entry

March 02, 1897 ~ Tuesday

March 2 1897
This Also is a vary busy day our office was crouded
with people I Attended one Meeting of the Ogden power
I Also Attended a surgucal operation at Br
McHenrys of Dr Leslie W Snow took out a small
cancer of the Nose of Sarah Woodruff Many
of My Family went home to day


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Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions


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Letter from Edwin Pearson Stott, 2 March 1897

Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 26 received. I am sorry to be caught this unprepared I do not desire to shirk a mission or any other labor that might be required of me but circumstances seem to compel me to ask a little time, say about four months from time appointed which was April 8th ^to^ Cal. and with the blessing of the Lord I will endeaver to be ready Your Bro in the Gospel Edwin Stott Jr H B Bennett BP

Letter from William Wilson Lunt, 2 March 1897

Cedar City President Wilford Woodruff Beloved Brother I received your letter calling me to go to California as a missionary. In reply will say I am not very well fixed financlaly and am poorly qualified for such a respon- sable calling. But feel to ask the blessings of the holy Phriesthood to rest upon me, and say, Thy will and not mine be doen. Therefore with the help of the Lord, will report at the apointed ^time^ asking you for your faith and prayers in my behalf

Letter from Morris March Estee, 2 March 1897

San Francisco, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. My dear Mr. Woodruff: I write to congratulate you on your reaching the advanced age of ninety years. Few men have lived as long as you, fewer still have experienced as much. Again congratulating you on this happy event, and hoping that you may yet be blessed with many more birthdays, I remain as ever, Most sincerely yours, Morris M Estee

Letter from L. Dickinson, 2 March 1897

Salt Lake, Utah, President Woodruff and Wife Emma Not being able to get a word with you yesterday, I write to offer my congratulations of the happy occasions, and hope and pray you will be spared, in all you usefulness, to your people who love you so well, for a very long time yet. Through Mrs. E. B. Wells and others I have learned of your usefulness to them and I therefore know ^how^ much they appreciate you, hense I do hope you will be privelagded to enjoy many returns of the happy day you celebrated yesterday. Very respecfully yours, Mrs. L. S. Dickinson 528 E. Third So.

Letter from William Reed Damron Sr., 2 March 1897

Deseret, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, S. L. City, Utah. Dear Brother: I am just in receipt of your letter of Feb. 26th where-in you inform me that my name has been suggested and accepted as a mis- sionary to the Society Ids. I cheerfully accept and hold my-self subject to your request. I wish however to state that I have never held a higher office in the Priesthood than a Deacon and my experience and education are both very limited. (over)

Letter from William Reed Damron Sr., 2 March 1897

I am entirely with-out means and can not see where I can get the money to land me at Tahiti. I could there-fore fill a mission to the States much more consistently, but feel to leave this matter wholly with you, and I will make every effort in my power to carry out your decission. Asking you to grant me a reply I remain Your brother in the gospel of Christ. William R. Damron. Milton Moody Bp.

Letter from Joseph Kimball, 2 March 1897

Salt Lake City, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Will it be agreeable with your self and Presidents Cannon & Smith for Bros. Angus McKay Hiatt MaxfieldJ. G. Duffin and my self to call on you for a few minutts tomorrow at 12:15 P.M. This we will deem as a great privelage. Yours with sincere respect Joseph Kimball

Letter from Joseph Kimball, 2 March 1897

Letter from F. O. Nelson, 2 March 1897

Butte Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir I wish to congratu- late you upon heaving reached your 90th Birthday and hope you will Be Blessed with many more years of contentment I also kindly ask you for your Autograph on the Enclosed Card I am Sir Yours Respectfully F O Nelson 237 S Main St Butte Mont.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

March cash $6 T $15 T $10 31 $ girl $8 oil & Seed $7 T $15 30


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Mar 2, 1897