Day in the Life

Mar 15, 1897

Journal Entry

March 15, 1897 ~ Monday

15 I spent the day in the office attended Z.C.M.I Board
G Q. Cannon was Appointed vice President of ZCMI


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2257 mentions


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Letter from Alexander Young Milne, 15 March 1897

St George . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Received from you, a few days ago, a call to go on a mission to Great Britain, and in answer will say I will accept the call, and want to fulfill an honorable mission, and with the help of the Lord I will be in Salt Lake City on Sept. 10th 1897 at the time you appointed me to be set apart. Your Brother in the Gosple Alexander Y. Milne. James Andrus Bishop

Letter from Alfred Augustus Thomas, 15 March 1897

Salt Lake, Utah. Pres W. Woodruff. Dear Bro. Some time ago I received a call to go to the Swiss and German Mission. I consider it a great honor to be found worthy to go and preach the Gospel and will be ready to leave this city on the appointed time March 27th. Trusting God's blessings will attend me and all Missionary [I] I am, Your Brother in the Gospel, Alf. A. Thomas. It gives me pleasure to Endorse the above. Isaac Barton Bp 19th Ward

Letter from Collins Rowe Hakes, 15 March 1897

PHOENIX, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother we have 7 young men called on Missions to the Southern States we have one yound [young] Brother in the stake that I feel would make a fine Misionery and who would like to go now if called and if not called now he is going from home to spend a year or more with the stock men his family are anxious for him to be called so if you are in need of more Missionaries and wish him to come with those that come up to Conference you can Telegraph to me saying send him along, and I will notify him at once but if you do not wish him this time it will not be necessary to answer at all his name is Layfaette Dana. with kind regards, your Bro. in the Gospel C R Hakes

Letter from Frank W. Thatcher, 15 March 1897

Logan, Utah, 189 President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother;— I herewith acknowledge my will- ingness to perform a foreign mission to the Netherlands to leave Salt Lake the 27th inst. and have my Bishop endorse my answer, Your Brother in the Gospel, Frank W. Thatcher ENDORSED. I hereby heartily endorse Bro. Frank W. Thatcher as good worthy young man, who will I believe make a faithful mis- sionary. B M. Lewis Bp Logan 1st wd

Letter from Oliver Cromwell Hoskins, 15 March 1897

President Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Bro. Bro Ralph Harding of Malad City Idaho. Reported that He will be ready at the April Conference to fill His Mission to the Indian Territory, to which He was called about a year ago. Your Brother O. C. Hoskins P.S. He would like to know as early as possible when He should leave. O. C. H.

Letter from William P. Nebeker, 15 March 1897

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. . President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: If you could give me a letter, addressed to the President of the United States, to the effect, that, if in making Federal appointments for Utah, it is desired to recognize the Pioneer element that settled this country. I would be a suitable person to be thus honored and trusted, I would be grateful, and in the event of receiving an appointment. I should endeavor to discharge my duties in such a manner, as to respect your confidence. I am aware that you have given an endorsement for the special position I desire, but that need not, I suppose, prevent your giving me any general endorsement of which you may deem me worthy to receive. The Judges of the Supreme Court and others, who had given special endorsements, have given me general endorsements, of similar character as the one I would thank you for, if you feel warranted in giving it. Yours in the Gospel, Wm P. Nebeker.

Letter from William Allen Knight, 15 March 1897

Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruff: Dear Bro: Am in receipt of a mission call to the Indian Territory mission. iIn answear will say, I am more than willing and will be ready to depart on the date mentioned, (Apiril 13, 1897) Very, Respectfully Your Bro in the Gospel, W. A. Knight I can recommend Bro Knight as being a worthy young man and well qualified for missionary work. Robt Morris Bishop 11th Ward

Letter from John R. Williams, 15 March 1897

Salt Lake City, . To the first Presidency, Dear Brethren Brother Thomas, janitor of the Tabernacle, continualy objects to my displaying photographs for sale on the wall in front of my stand, and this morning, went for a policeman to compel me to remove them. I have always been accustomed to do so, without objection before It is a very hard matter for me to make a living, under the present circum- stances, and it would entirely prevent my doing so, if I have to remove them If you wish me to do so, I will instantly comply, but I pray you to grant me permission to continue doing as I am, and thus prevent my becoming dependant entirely on public charity for a living Your brother in the Gospel John R. Williams

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $4 T $5 7 fowls $10 19


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Mar 15, 1897