Day in the Life

Mar 27, 1897

Journal Entry

March 27, 1897 ~ Saturday

27. We met with Mr John E Searles the great Banker and
sugar trust


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Letter from Thomas C. White, 27 March 1897

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Your letter of the 20th inst. in which you state that my name has been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to Great Britain, has been received. In reply to same I beg to state that I accept of the call believing that it is the greatest honor that could be conferred upon me. Therefore I will be prepared to leave this city upon the day metioned, namely the 24th of April 1897 Hopeing that the Spirit of my Mission will rest upon me, I remain Your Brother in the Gospel Thomas C. White. Approved W J Beatie Bp 17th Ward

Letter from Louis Christiansen, 27 March 1897

Spring City, Utah Pres Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I received a call to go on a mission to Scandinavia three years ago I could not giet the money then. I have just made arrangement so that I can be able to go after the first day of May, if still wanted would like to go with the first company of missionarys after that date, would like to know as soon as posible, so that if going this Spring, I can arrange to let my farm. Your Brother in the Gospel, Louis M. Christansen, March 27th 1897 Brother Louis M. Christiansen is a member of the Spring City

Letter from Nels William Nelson, 27 March 1897

Santaquin . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. I received a call on April 27, 1895 to fulfill a mission in the Southern States, But as my Father had been home but a short time & I having had to labor hard to keep things agoing at home & to help him also. I was not able to do any thing for my self & had Just set out to do something in regards to making me a home when I was asked by the President's of the Quorum If I would be willing to have my name sent up as a candidate for a missionary. I told them I wouldent want to refuse if I was called, but I had started to build me a home & had the material on hand for it which if lost would be quite a loss for me as I had to work hard for it but they thought it would be 3 or 4 years before I might be called, but in a short time I received the call, so I labored on for some time not knowing what to do about it untill late in the sumner. I wrote you a letter from white River as that is the place whare I was engaged & has been untill now. Telling you my conditions, that I was unmaried & had had but little experiences in speaking [upside-down text] If he can go this fall, without forfeiting his claims he had better do so. if not them let him get titles & then go. J. F. S. [end of upside-down text]

Letter from Orson Smith, Simpson Montgomery Molen, and Isaac Smith, 27 March 1897

Logan, Utah, First Presidincy Dear Brethern For some years past we have felt the great need of a little means as a stake fund with which to meet the current expenses of the Stake and the necessity for it grows greater each year. The law of tithing, though not observed as it should be, by a great many, is no doubt the best observed of all the temporal comandments, and is largely looked upon as the source from which stake expenses should be drawn, and when donations are solicited, we are constantly confronted by the question, why don't you get some of the tithing. Stakes are worse off then Wards, as they are general, while Wards are particular or local organizations, and upon these we have to call for aid. While they feel that they each have all they can do to keep their work going. Therefore


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Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Mar 27, 1897