Day in the Life

May 10, 1897

Journal Entry

May 10, 1897 ~ Monday

Monday May 10th I slept 5 1/4 hours from midnight till 7 o clok a.m.
also for 1 1/2 hours before 10 oclock. Drove to the office and attended the
routine business until 4 pm. arrived at home 4:30. I soon laid
down & slept for 2 hours. ate supper with the family. sat up and
read the newspapers, did not sleep much before midnight. Mrs Woodruff
& Owen & Alice went to the Theatre.


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
216 mentions


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Letter from Alonzo Knight, 10 May 1897

Plain City President Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your letter of May 7th in responce to the one writen to you by my Daughter, is at hand, & I take this opertunity to express our thanks for the kind reply, & wise instructions which your letter contained, My Daughter has past through much afliction cince her Marrage, In the first place her Husba- nds Father lost his right mind & got deranged so at times he had to be watch- ed night & day, & arfter a number of years in this condition he past away from this life, About this time his Wife lost the use of her limbs so she could not walk & became as helpless as a child & my Daughter had her & her own Famly to take care of & it wore her out so she

Letter from George Goddard, 10 May 1897

President Wilford Woodruff My dear Brother/ Will you kindly accept the card herein enclosed, as a trifling reminder of one whom the Lord has greatly blest. No Elder in the Church has more cause for Humility and Thankfulness towards our Heavenly Father than your correspond- ent. I have been the recipient of so many precious privileges and blessings during the past forty four years, that language utterly fails me in giving expression thereto. God bless you, my dear Brother, in body, and in spirit, during the remainder of your earthly pilgrimage is the sincere desire and prayer of Your Friend & Brother George Goddard.

Letter from Oliver Walsh, 10 May 1897

To President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter of the 6th Inst. Requesting me to depart on the 22 of July next, To fill A Mission to the Southern States. I except the tinme And Place. And I will be ready on the day set apart Your Brother in the Gospel Oliver Walsh

Letter from Reuben Cornelius Traveller, 10 May 1897

President Woodruff Dear Brother in the first place I wish to apologize for not replying to your request before but having been very buisy is the reason I wish to say that I am willing to go to Great Britin oar any place you wish me to go I will say that I am not very well posted in the scriptures but am willing to go and do the very best of my ability in proclaiming the truth of the Everlasting gospel From your Brother in gospel R C Traveller Wm L Skidmore Bp.

Letter from Ephraim H. Nye, 10 May 1897

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I take great pleasure in reporting to you the presant condit- ion of thids Mission. Since my last report I have visited many parts of the State and labored with the Elders in their several fields. We held Conferance in San Francisco on the 11th of April and on the 25th in San Diego. Reports from all the Elders make clear the fact, that traveling in the Lords appointed waly-without purse or scrip-is by far the most desirable; by it the Elders have access to people they could reach in no other way and they are being treatd well. They find no difficulty in reaching the people. Occasionally they meet a 'Crank' or a 'Sore-head' barely enough to give var- iety to missionary life. The wokrk at Los Angeles has grown rapidly since my last report. About 18 or 20 have been Baptized. On the 21st of April we had the pleasure of organizeing the Branch there; prior to that tim there had been but a presiding Elder there, but they now rejoice in a Branch with a President and his councilors and members of the lesser priesthood all in good working order. On the 7th of May we organized the Ladies Relief association, and the Mutual Improve- men association on the same evening; and as there is a good sunday- school there, Los Angeles can now be said to be in a good, prosperous condition. The Branch has 57 dgood active members and a bright pros- pect for a number being added in the near future. I have been out with the Elders in several parts fo the mission, shareing with them the joys and fatigues ovf the missio ary work; waklking and visiting by day and Preaching to good congre- gations at night; and seeing for myself the way in which our Elders are received and treated by the people; and it seems to me that a wonderfull future lies before us and the only thing necessary to be done, to bring hosts of good people into the fold, is, aided by the spirit of the Lord, to work, work, work. We now have a continuous line of Elders from San Francisco to San Diego in the Coast Counties; and as the time rolls on, hope to gather the fruits of our labors in the form of many souls brought into the fold. In the southern part of the State the Josephites, in Ogrange county, haveing invited us to speak in their meeting-house, desired that I should ^speak^ on the "Sucsession of the Presidency", at the close the District President arose and said that he wanted all his local authorities to give us therir meeting-houses in which to preach and come out in force to hear us; that they wanted all the light there was to be had on the matter. A most cordial invitation was extended to us to preach in their meeting-house at any time:.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

May 10, 1897