Day in the Life

Jun 20, 1897

Journal Entry

June 20, 1897 ~ Sunday

Sunday June 20th Feel fairly well this morning. I rested,
read and spent the day at home. Bro James Sharp called this
afternoon. Bro L. John Nuttall & wife Sophia came this evening. I walked
out with him to see our improvements and the changes now going on,
while his wife was visiting with Emma. He read me a telegram
he had received respecting our contemplated trip to Portland as to fares &c


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1030 mentions
Sharp, James
18 Nov 1843 - 7 May 1904
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from Samuel Linton Jr., 20 June 1897
Nephi, . President Wilford Woodruff: Salt Lake City. Dear brother: You will please pardon my delay in answering your letter of April 28 but I have been rushed with my farm work. I will be pleased to announce myself in readiness at the date named, providing nothing unexpectedly prevents my being there. I will not be so well prepared financially as I would like, but I intend to place my trust and confidence in the Lord believing he will provide for
Letter from John Sabin, 20 June 1897
Salem, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Pardon me if I take the wrong steps in this case. A young man has come to me in tears and bitter weeping desiring to know the answer to a question that is to change [h]is future life if possible. He has related to me a pitiful story and asks me to write to you to get his answer. He tells me that some few years ago he was brought into the company of a young lady whose virtue had been taken and that he also fell a victim to his passions This occured twice and since


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Jun 20, 1897