Day in the Life

Jun 28, 1897

Journal Entry

June 28, 1897 ~ Monday

June 28th I drove to the office this morning. I signed a letter
to Bro W. C. Spence asking for transportation for myself & Elder Nuttall
to Portland & return. I do not feel that I can leave on this trip
until next Monday. Bro Spence reported that he had made
the necessary arrangements for trip.


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Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
414 mentions
Spence, William Charles
3 Dec 1850 - 9 May 1927
132 mentions


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Letter from Francis Henry Fuellenbach, 28 June 1897
Eureka . Brother Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: Your most welcome letter of June 21 was received with pleasure informing me that I was selected as a Missionary to Switzerland and Germany. I most thankfully accept the same, of course I feel hardly competent at present, but hope ere the time arrives for me to leave that I will be better prepared. Your Brother in the Gospel. Francis H. Fuellenbach. We think Francis H. Fuellenbach a very worthy young man Jno. O. Freckleton Acting Bishop


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Jun 28, 1897