Day in the Life

Jul 6, 1897

Journal Entry

July 06, 1897 ~ Tuesday

July 6th Elder Nuttall came down this morning & staid till noon
and again this evening until 10 oclock.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
414 mentions

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Letter from Nathaniel Haws Tanner, 6 July 1897

Payson, Utah. . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Bro: In reply to your inquiry with regard to my feelings and circumstances, subject to being called to the Southern States on a Mission. I am willing and will be ready to start on or after August 10sth of this year. Very Respectully, Your Brother, N. H. Tanner.

Letter from Ole Jensen, b. 1838, 6 July 1897

Wyo. President Wilford Woodruff Dear brother Yours of July 1st to hand. In reply to your call on me to go to Scandinavia as a missionary I will say I will do my best to be on hand at the appointed time Your bro. in the Gospel Ole Jensen Wm. Parsons, Bishop

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 6 July 1897

Prest W. Woodruff Box B Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother, The enclosed letter from the Presiding Elder and counselors of the Anaconda Branch, asking an appropriation of their Tithing for the purpose of paying rent on meeting places, is self explanatory. Brother Merrill who was with us when this subject came up can inform you more fully of the situation. If you feel it is consistent we would recommend that the appropriation be made. Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Letter from H. C. Hansen, 6 July 1897

Lake View . to The First Presidency of the Churik of Jesus Christ, of Latterday Saints Dear Brotren I receved your must Welcome Latter of July 1 on the 3. I can say to the arner and glory of good that i am redy an welling for his Serves at enne time, en my week vie [way],

Letter from Canute Peterson, Henry Beal and John Bray Maiben, 6 July 1897

President Wilford Woodruff and Church Board of Education. Dear Brethren: The ninth year of the Sanpete Stake Academy has been pre-eminently successsful owing in large measure to the increased facilities afforded by reason of your generous appropriation—in view of the manifest appreciation of the earnest and [e]fficient labors of Principal Noyes and the Faculty, and the necessity of making adequate provision to answer the growing demand for higher and theological training, we respectfully ask an Appropriation of $1200.00 for the ensuing 10th Academic Year 1897–8, to assist us in our endeavors to maintain this valuable and much needed Institution. Your brethren Canute Peterson. Henry Beal John B. Maiben Executive Committee of S. S. Academy.


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Jul 6, 1897