Day in the Life

Jul 15, 1897

Journal Entry

July 15, 1897 ~ Thursday

July 15th I did not sleep well, nor take much nourishment during the
night. This morning after consultation it was decided that Andrew
shall attend to me during the day time & Bros Nuttall & Wm Salmon
each alternate night so as not to be too burdensome. Bro Salmon to
commence tonight.


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16 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
414 mentions

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Letter from Joseph Ellis Wilson Jr, 15 July 1897
Agency at Logan Pres Wilford Woodruff & counscellors Dear Brethern I received your kind ^letter^ asking as to what my feelings were in regards to the call. I will make preporation to be present on the day previous to the ^day^ set for me to leave Salt Lake City (July 29 [18]97) to be set apart for my mission. Your Brother in the Gospel J. E. Wilson Jr. I can truly endorse this young man, as being a good latterday saint and worthy of the call yours Respecfuly B M Lewis Bp


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Jul 15, 1897