Day in the Life

Jan 7, 1898

Journal Entry

January 07, 1898 ~ Friday

Fri Jan 67. I had a very poor night, my cough troubled me very much. Went
to the office, also to a meeting with the Twelve at the Temple from 1130 till 430 pm.
called at the office very tired on my way home.


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Letter from Emil Olsen Petterborg, 7 January 1898
Preston, Idaho, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your favor of 18th ult. was duly recived in which I am asked if it would be agreeable to my feelings to fill a mission to Scandinavia & to state the earliest date at which I could be ready. In reply will say I appreciate the call & am willing to go can be ready to start about April 1st hoping this will be satisfactory and awaiting your further commands I am your Brother in the cause of truth Emil Peterberg Sen, per W. C. P.
Letter from John Edward Dalley, 7 January 1898
Preston, Idaho, . Presedent Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Bro: Your letter came duly to hand & contents carefully considered. During my entire life I have tried to be obedient to the counsels & calls of the Priesthood. In this, then, as in all other calls placed upon me, I cheerfully respond, & shall try & be ready when Prest Parkinson desires me to leave. Your brother in the Gospel, Jno. E Dalley.
Letter from James Parry Harrison, 7 January 1898
Pres. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother Brother Peter H. Illum built our Meeting house, and He desired to turn $2000 of his labor, on Labor Tithing, and from the instructions we received at the Priesthood Meeting held after the April Conference last spring, I allowed him to do so. When I came to settle with the Stake Tithing Clerk, I found that it would be necessary to get an order from your office to cover the same Would be pleased if you would send me an order for the amount and oblige Your Brother in Gospel James P. Harrison Bishop of St John Ward P.S. please send the order to Bro William H. Gibbs West Portage Box elder Co Utah J. P. H.

Jan 7, 1898