Day in the Life

Jan 29, 1898

Journal Entry

January 29, 1898 ~ Saturday

Sat Jan 29th Spent the day at home

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Letter from Niels Hansen, b. 1858, 29 January 1898

Mt. Pleasant President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Replying to your letter in regard to filling a mission to the Northern States I will be on hand at the Historians Office as requested May the 11th 1898 Your Brother in the Gospel Niels Hansen Peter Matson Acting Bp.

Letter from David Letts Miller, 29 January 1898

Mill Creek . To the First Presidency of the Curch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint. As my name as been sugesgested and excepted as a missionary to the Indian Territory I will be ready by the day appointed March 3rd 1898. D. L. Miller James C Hamilton Bp

Letter from James B. Warden, 29 January 1898

Butte City Mont . Presidante Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother. Yours of the 26th at hand this eavning. Am glad to have the privlage of axcepting of the call as A Missionary to the Southern States. Although am poorly qualifide for the ocaison will axcept the Call, and shall strive with all my might mind and strength to comply with the reqiremants of A Missionary. And may I prove competent to the trust that has been plaised upon me, is my humble desire. Your Brother in the Gospel. Jas. B. Wasden. 1015 East Galena St. Butte City, Mont. Gunnison Febr 2nd 1898. Christian A. Madsen Bp.

Letter from Julius Apollus Rockwood, 29 January 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: It is with a feeling of great satisfacton ^to know^ that I have been thought worthy to go and preform a mission of glad tidings to the people of the Eastern States. It has always been my desire to do the will of those called of God. No other mission would of suited me better than the one given: as the greater part of my father's, "Albert P. Rockwood's" relations live in that secton of the country. I have been born and raised in the Church of Christ, and acknowledge the hand of the lord in all things, and I am willing to go and work in his minestry knowing that by so doing

Letter from William Smith, 29 January 1898

Mill Creek Prest Wilford Woodruff Yours of Jany 17 to hand notifing me that my name had been acceped as a missionay to Great Britain and requesting my feeling in regard to the matte[r] I do not know of any thing that will hinder mye in filling the mission will say i am willing to go as will do my ^duty^ with the help of the Lord and be ready september—latter Part will be most conveinat Yours truly Wm Smith James C Hamilton Bp

Letter from Alpheus Rockwood, 29 January 1898

Brother Woodruff Dear Presedent I recived your letter of Jan 26 and feel highley honnered to be considered worthey to fulfill a mission to the Eastern States. To promolgate the Everlasting Gospel. And will be redey at date mentioned with the helpe of the Lorde. Your Brother Alphues Rockwood A. G. Driggs Bishop

Letter from Owen Alanson Eldredge, 29 January 1898

East Mill Creek, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: I received your letter, and was pleased to think I was worthy of such a call. I will accept this call and do the best I can to fulfill my mission to New Zealand. Owen ^A^ Eldredge. John Neff Bp. [sideways text] All right. J. F. S. [end of sideways text]

Jan 29, 1898