Day in the Life

Jan 31, 1898

Journal Entry

January 31, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon Jan 31st Went to the office this morning feeling well. attended


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Letter from Charles Jacobsen, 31 January 1898

President W. Woodruff, Dear Brother. I have received your favor of Jan. 26th in regards to me going to the Southern States on a mission, and in answering same I wish to state, that I feel thankful for the privelage And shall do my best to meet at the appointed time and place. Very Truly Your Brother in the Gospel Charles Jacobsen Peter Matson Acting Bp.

Letter from John Axel Pearson, 31 January 1898

Rexburg Pres. Wilford Woodroff. Dear Brother In respounce to your letter of Jan 17th I will say that I am making every effort to get ready to go on the mission where- unto I have been suggisted at the time the letter indicate There is but one opstickle and that is to get enough money to take me to my field of labor I am still in hopes of obtaining some

Letter from John Edward Roueche, 31 January 1898

Millville . Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: Elder Alma Larsen of this Ward was to have left Salt Lake City to fill a Mission in Scandinavia on the 5th of Feb. He has been quite if ill for some time, while we are pleased to say he is recovering still we do not think he is in a fit condition to start on that date. Therefore hope you will excuse him for the present and as soon as he recovers he will report to you. Your Bro. John E. Roueche Bp. of Millville.

Letter from Joseph Davis, 3 January 1898

Preston, Idaho, . Wilford Woodruff. Esq Salt Lake City Utah. Honored President: I received your letter of notification for my Mission to Great Britain on Jay 22nd 1898. thank I will respond at that time Your brother in the Gospel Joseph Davis Preston, Idaho I cheerfully indorse the call of Bro. Davis & beleive he will be a good efficient laborer, your Brother in the cause of truth W. C. Parkinson Bp.

Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 31 January 1898

Rexburg, Idaho, Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Bro. Please find ennclosed a list of five names which will complete the number of ten missionaries asked for from our Stake for foreign missions. We have done our best to find those who speak foreign languages. We have but very few foreigners in our Stake. Most of our people being Utah born. Hopeing the enclosed list will be satisfactory We Remain Your Brotheren in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Estate Papers - Tithing receipt, 31 January 1898

Salt Lake City, Utah, 189[8] This Certifies that A. H. Woodruff Of Farmers Ward, Salt Lake Stake, HAS VOLUNTARILY DONATED Fifteen # [00]/100 Dollars, ($15.00) To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, IN MISCELLANEOUS. Z. C. M. I. Wm. B. Preston, By C

Letter from James Larson, b. 1868, 31 January 1898

Moroni Utah Pres Wifford Woodruff Dear Bro I received a letter Jan 27th Stating my Name had been suggested and excepted as a Missionary to Southern States and ^leave as^ Early a Date a April 21st [18]98 I will be ready on that Date Resp James Larson J W. Irons Bp

Jan 31, 1898