Day in the Life

Feb 14, 1898

Journal Entry

February 14, 1898 ~ Monday

Mon Feb 14. I concluded that I would make a brief visit to Provo to
see my wife & family there. Went to the office and requested Bro Nuttall
to accompany me. We arranged to go in the R. G. W train at 5 pm. I
attended to my labors and Bro McHenry drove us to the R G W depot
at 5 pm. On the train Bro Nuttall read to me the printed remarks I made
yesterday as published in the Deseret News. We also talked onof many
other matters, & met some brethren. We were met at the depot by
Bro Nuttalls son Wilford with a horse & buggy. he took us to my wife
Sarah's where I remained all night, finding them all well


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Letter from Julian Free Smith, 14 February 1898

Coalville, Summit Co., Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Yours of a recent date to hand and duly considered. In reply will say, that am indeed grateful at being considered worthy of such an honorable calling, and trust that by the grace of Our Heavenly Father I may be enabled to go forth and accomplish the purpose for which have been called. So if nothing happens to prevent further than know of at present I shall be at your office on date specified. I am Your Brother in the Gospel Julian F. Smith F. H. Wright Bp

Letter from Geraldus Newell, 14 February 1898

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother In reply to your favor of Feby 7, stating that my mame [name] had been selected for a mission to the Southern States, will say that I will do my best to be ready on the day appointed. Your Brother in the Gospel. Geraldus Newell, C. E. Neilsen Bishop

Letter from Gilbert Reed, 14 February 1898

Sanford Colo President Wilford Wooduff Salt Lake City Dear brother In regard to the Missionary labor that is requested of me, I will accept the call, and go forth and do the best I can in my weak way. I can see that the work of the lord is progressing and I feel that I should be one to help spread the Gospel to the different Nations of the earth. And I will present myself at the Historians Office on the day appointed, to be set apart for my labors. Yours Truely, Gilbert Reed. S. C. Berthelson Bishop

Letter from Henry Wilson Valentine, 14 February 1898

President Woodruff Dear Brother I will write you in regard to my call. I have bin advised to tell you my circumstance. I have no one to help me while i am on my mission. I can raise about one hundred and fifty dollars now, and fifty dollars the 1 Feb 1899. If that is sufficient all right. I leave it to you as to where i go. the reason i write this way, is on account of reports. I have heard that it takes a great [d]eal more money in the Northern States than in the Southern.

Letter from Henry Wilson Valentine, 14 February 1898

I will be ready at th apointed time 14th of April. Yours truly Henry W. Valentine S. C. Berthelson Bishop All right. 14th of Apr. 1898 I suppose is meant. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Church $200 Church $50 250


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Feb 14, 1898