Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1898

Journal Entry

February 15, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tues Feb 15th I had a fairly good night. Bro Nuttall & son Wilford
came with the horse & buggy at 1030 and we drove to the depot. left at 1112

and arrived at the City at 1220 Br McHenry was there haand took
us direct to the office where I remaind till 330 & went home.


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Letter from Moroni Sheets Leaver, 15 February 1898
Eureka City, Utah, . Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: I accept with pleasure your call to fulfill a mission to Great Britian. Unless something unexpected prevents me, I will be ready to leave Salt Lake City in September next, as requested. I thank you for doing me the honor. I am your brother in the gospel. Moroni S. Leaver. Approved W J Beatie Bp 17th Ward
Letter from Alma Gardner Jewkes Jr., 15 February 1898
President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Yours of the 11 inst calling me as a missionary to Montana duely receaived. I feel poorly qualified for a mission of this kind, but as the Lord through his searvants has seen fit to call me to labor for him a short time I freely and gladly accept and hope you will exercise your faith and prayers in my behalf that I may become a useful instrument in the kingdom of God and if the Lord will bless me with health I will be ready to leave Salt Lake City
Letter from George Henry Carver, 15 February 1898
Viento, Oregon, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: Your letter of 4 inst. with pleas- ure read; asking my willingness to go on a Mission to "Oregon and the North-West." I am willing and will make arrange- ments to leave on the 24 of March. Ever true your brother G H Carver. I take pleasure in indorsing the call of Elder Carver and am Satisfied he will be a good efficient missionary W. C. Parkinson Bp.


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Feb 15, 1898