Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1898

Journal Entry

February 28, 1898 ~ Monday

Monday Feb 28th I drove to the office. feeling much better in my health
and able to attend to the duties devolving upon me. was quite busy
and went home at 4 pm.
[rest of page blank]


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Letter from Arnold H. Schulthess, Henry Reiser, and Herman Grether, 28 February 1898

Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruff and Counsellors: First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Dear Brethren: The german speaking Saints of this city and throughout Zion would highly appreciate the privilege of again holding a german meeting with all our german Conference visitors during our next general Conference. Having been favored with this great privilege in the past we feel encouraged to again ask you for the same favor. We would like to hold our meeting on Sunday, after- noon from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Assembly Hall, if that will not interfere with any other meeting. Thanking you for all favors and kindness to us in the past, we remain your humble servants and brethren in the Gospel Arnold H. Schulthess. Henry Reiser. Herman Grether. In behalf of the Germ. Saints. Please adress to H. Reiser #12 East 1st South. City.

Letter from William Thomas Jack, 28 February 1898

St. John, President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren! I would be pleased to have your permission to take a visit to Salt Lake City, during the latter part of March, to remain until after the April Conference, if agreeable to you, and nothing occurs in the mean time to prevent such vacation: At present the Mission is in a favorable condition, good health prevails among the Eldesrs and a spirit of earnestness permeates their labors. With kindest regards, Your Brother, Wm. T. Jack

Letter from Thomas Bassett, 28 February 1898

[189]8 Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: I enclose herewith Check [certified] for Two Hundred and Forty Three and 69 [word smudged] (243 69) Dollars being the amount of Tithing [word smudged] [Cast] and hand in our Stake Tithing Office [a s] pen our Annual Report for Dec 31st J F [word smudged] to Bp Preston yesterday Very Respectfully yours Thomas E. Bassett. Clerk

Letter from John Bray Maiben to the First Presidency, 28 February 1898

President Woodruff, Cannon, and Smith, Salt Lake City. dear Brethren: Pres. Canute Peterson desires me to inform you, that the Presidency of the Sanpete Stake have catechized and counseled Elder Gottfried Alder, in accordance with the instructions given, and recommend him as worthy to fulfil the mission assigned him. Your brother in the Gospel John B. Maiben

Estate Papers - Tithing receipt, 28 February 1898

Salt Lake City, Utah, 189[8] This Certifies that M. W. Pratt Of F. D. Ward, Salt Lake Stake, HAS VOLUNTARY DONATED Seven & 50/100 Dollars, ($7.50) To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, IN MISCELLANEOUS. Z. C. M. I. Wm. B. Preston, By C

Letter from James Evans, 28 February 1898

President Woodruff Dear Brother Thire is a fiew Young Men with Myself isthat is thinking of going and looking up homes this spring Ouriur Oubjective point is Alberta Canada. We have been told by parties living here that it is contrary to the will of the Presidency of the Church And we would like to ^know^ your views on the subject will you Pleas advise us Your Brother James Evans

Letter from Ephraim H. Nye, 28 February 1898

pPresaidient Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother;- One of our investigators, a lady has applied for baptism; but has confessed that she had an abortion commited upon herself when she was foive or six months along in pregnancy. She was and is, living with her husband at the time, and had two sons; a rupture with her husband that seemed as though it would result in seperatino^n^ caused her to do as she did. She now feels keenly the enormity of the sin she commited. What is our diuty? aAre we at liberty to bap- tize her? May she come into the fold? Her husband though not an in investigator, is not opposed and would be willing that the wife shou^ld^ be baptized. As the element of doubt enters into my soul, as tho the right course to persue in the matter, I humble seek for instructiosn Praying for special blessings upon you in your high call- ing, I remain, your Brother in the Lord; E. H. Nye


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Feb 28, 1898