Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 60 years
old This day
March 1, 1898 This is the Birth Day of myself
& wife Emma I have lived 91 yeres to day and
My wife Emma 60 years I have had to acknowledg
the hand of God in the preservation of our lives untill
the present time. I did not deem it wisdom to have
a Birth Day Party to day. Last year I met many
thousands in the Tabernacle and Emma and
myself shook hands with some 7000 of the Assembly
and I did not feel like going through that operation
this season Emma has lived with me as my wife
45 years she has born me 3 sons and 5 daughters
One son died in childhood 2 sons grew to Manhood
and both are Noble Men Asahel ordaind into
the Quorum of Seventies, has presided over the
sabbath school children for many years. Also over
Mutual Improvement Association for years
He presides over the Dry Goods departmen of Zions
Merchantile dry institution where they sell some
$4000000 dollars worth of Goods Annually And
He purchases the goods mostly in New York. ^He performed
a good Mission of about 2 year in England^
Abraham Owen has filled a Mission of two
years & a quarter in JGermanny & performed a good
work. He was called & ordained into the quorum
of the Twelve Apostles in the fall of 1897 And is
Thoroughly fulfilling his Mission as An Apostle.
Emma lost one Daughter in childhood but
raised four to Motherhood All Noble women.
Phebe Carter Woodruff My first wife bore me
Nine children 4 sons & 5 daughters. 3 sons died
in Early child hood. Wilford is still living
50 years of Age, spent one Mission in England
of some two years. He is now laboring in Salt Lake
Temple. He came to this valley with his Father
and Mother in 1850. Phebe Lost 2 Daughters
in childhood & 3 grew to womanhood & Motherhood
My wife Sarah Brown Woodruff bore me 4 sons
2 are still living Brigham Y drowned at 20 years
of age, Randolph died at Birth she also bore me 3 daughter
Arabell & Sylvia are Mothers, Mary is teaching
school in the Provo Academy
I spent the day at the office attending to my duties, and in the
evening Emma & her children met with us at the house, & spent the time,
in singing, talking and enjoyment
- Prest. W. passed his 91st
anniversary quietly at home with his family.
He wrote in his ^Journal^ words of praise and
commendation in honor of his wives
and children, naming them
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