Day in the Life

Mar 2, 1898

Journal Entry

March 02, 1898 ~ Wednesday

Wed, Mar 2nd/[18]98 I drove to the office this morning. Received
a copy of the 1st edition of the Book of Mormon from Bro Frank J.
at Washington D.C which to me is a very valuable book
I signed a release of a mortgage as President of Zions Saving Bank & CoTrust Co.
I attended meeting of the Directors of Z. S. B. & T. Co at 1 p.m. and transacted
the current business. Went home at 4 pm.

-he rec'd a copy of the 1st
edition of the Book of Mormon which
he prized very highly.


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Cannon, Franklin Jenne
25 Jan 1859 - 25 Jul 1933


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Letter from Doctor Carr Rogers, 2 March 1898

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Presidint: Having yours of Feb 4th in hand feel highley honerd with a call to fill a mission in Southern States and can say if the Lord is willing I will be ready to start at any date you may fix in Nov 1898. And do the best I can Yours Brother in the Gospel Doctor C. Rogers Manassa Colorado Samuel Jackson Bishop

Letter from Canute Peterson, 2 March 1898

Ephraim President Willford Woodruff! Salt Lake City Dear Brother! According to request we present the following: regarding the brethern who has been selected as suitable to take missions abroad: John S Beal, Christian Willardsen, Bernhardt Hausen, Andrew Jensen, and Louis O Dorius. In question these bretheren, regarding thier standing and feelings, we was much pleased to find, them able to answer all our questions satis- factorely in all respects, and therefore take pleasure in recommending them as worthy missionaris. Elder Andrew Jensen wish to have the prevelige to remain at home untill July next [18]98, and Louis O Dorius also would like to be granted time to the fore part of May, [18]98. Louis O. Dorius is a native born Dane, and would prefer a mission over

Letter from Lewis Williams, 2 March 1898

Samaria Wilford Woodruff: Dear Bro. I recived your letter asking me to go on a mission to Great Britain. I can say that I feal my weekness in such an under taken But still I feal pleasd to think that I was considered worthy to fill such a mission I will be there at the apointed time I remain Your Bro in ^the^ gosple Lewis Williams Bishop. Daniel E Price

Letter from Henry L. Fretelleire, 2 March 1898

(Austin,) Texas, To The Elders of The Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints Salt lake City, Utah. Dear Friends and Brothers in Humanity: The Spirit has moved me to address you, although from this far away place and in these troublesome times I believe the faithful of your church and more especially the native born Americans who have their countrys good at heart as well as all christians of whatever denomination who believe in the laws of Moses and the teachings of Christ, can be more readily organized under the "White Cross" to resist a secret invasion or controle of these United States in humanity by human agents of a Foreign power or powers who have intermingled into all forms of society and demon like they are destroyers. Although remember there are many foreign born natives and others who are not. Those who are are deceivers whose tongues are like unto a two edged sword. For these are the signs as it appears to me. For when brother rise up against brother, father against his children, friend against friend, for when people are and are not. When the Jew is

Letter from Collins Rowe Hakes, 2 March 1898

Mesa Arizona Prest Wilford Woodruff and Councillors Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethren For your concideration we submit the Name of Brother Leofwin Johnson a Son of Umcle B F Johnson—We would like to see Brother Johnson go on a Mission —if his circumstances premits. He is now at Provo, Utah—left here about two years ago—a splendid good boy and at present seems to be doing no good whatever—has a wife and Two children here—his marriage had been very unpleasant & for two years they have been living apart. Since your call for missionaries we have had no opertunity of confering with this Brother—should you need him, wish you would kindly confer with him by letter Your Bro. in the Gospel Collins R Hakes Let us enquire after him. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

1 cash $30 paid $40 70

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

C $20, T $5 25


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Mar 2, 1898