Day in the Life

May 6, 1898

Journal Entry

May 06, 1898 ~ Friday

Friday May 6th Feeling fairly well this morning, had a good night. drove
to the office & there all day till 330 pm & went home


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Letter from Alma Hansen, 6 May 1898

Wilford Woorufdruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother In reply to yours of the 26th. Will say I except the call will be reddy at the time appointed. Will allso state that education is very poor. But nevrtheless I will try in my weak way, with the help of the Lord, to do the best I can. Your Bro, Alma Hansen Jens Hansen Bp:

Letter from Oliver Lewis, 7 May 1898

Baker City. . Wilford Woodruff Presdt of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Dear Bro. Your letter of the 5th Inst. calling me to accept a mission to labor in the conference newly formed in the Northwestern States has come to hand, and I am thankful for the opportunity it affords me to labor in the Lords vineyard and with his help I will do the best I can trusting in the Lord that I may be able to get ready on time I will report at Salt Lake City on the 25th as requested. Your Brother in the Gospel Oliver Lewis. P.S While there I would like

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, Francis Marion Lyman, and Charles William Penrose, 6 May 1898

To the First Presidency Dear Brethren We, your committee, appointed to examine the papers in the appeal of Brother Nathan Tanner jr from a decision of the High Council of the Weber Stake of Zion, having very carefully and thorough- ly examined and considered all the papers in the case presented to us, hereby respect- fully report as follows, to wit: The decision of the High Council appears to be fully justified by the evidence. 1st It is clear from the testimony, as well as the statements of both the accuser and accused, that Nathan Tanner jr. owes and should pay to Annie Pingree Tanner, his divorced wife, the sum of $12500 2nd The second charge in the complaint was properly dismissed, the amount of $2000 claimed by the accuser having been paid to her father

Letter from John Willard Larson, 6 May 1898

Collinston, Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother. Yours of April 27th (in regard to leave for a mission to Scandinavia, by August) at hand. I am will- ing to go, and esteem it an honor to be called to promulgate the Everlasting Gospel to the nations of the Eearth. I will be ready to start from the City at said date. Your Brother in the Gospel, John Larson. I herby certifies that Brother Larsen is a throught and faitfull Latter day saints Carl Jensen Bp

Letter from George Henry Emery, 6 May 1898

Salt Lake City, Utah; . President Wilford Woodruff, City. Dear Brother: I recieved your letter stating that that my name had been suggested and accepted as a Missionary to the Souther States. I am willing to go and with the help of the Lord hope to be able to fill a faithful mission. I can be ready to start on date named in your letter, May 19th 1898. Your Brother in the Gospleel. Geo. H. Emery. F. Kesler Bishop of the 16th Ward

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

James oslland & Hannah Sorrenson Paid for Bill of Divorse 10


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 6, 1898