Day in the Life

May 8, 1898

Journal Entry

May 08, 1898 ~ Sunday

Sun May 8th Spent the day at home, reading & resting

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Letter from Abraham Wheatley, 8 May 1898

Calls Fort President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. In reply to your letter of the 27 of NApril. Can say I will be ready to go on the Dadte Mentioned in your letter & I can say that I accept this mission with pleasure, to go to Califor- nia. & I remain your Co Labour in the Cause of Truth Abraham Wheatley Boxelder County Utah North Ward Thomas Harper Bishop

Letter from Andrew S. Heggie, 8 May 1898

Tooele City Utah President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of the 29th ult. was rec[eive]d, and feel to state that I will be on hand on the date stated, to be saet apart, for the mission assigned me, providing no unforseen obstacle presents its self, to hinder or blast my desirees, trusting I may be able to work to this end, I am your Brother in the Gospel Andrew. S. Heggie I do fully endorse the above answer of Bro Andrew Heggie Thomas Atkin Bp Tooele

Letter to Lydia Hatch Savage, 8 May 1898

Box 1228. Salt Lake City, Utah, Lydia L. Savage, Dear Sister: In answer to questions contained your letter of May 30th I have to say: It was recently decided by the council of the First Presidency and Twelve Apostles that children (deceased) should have reached the age of 14 years before they should be endowed for. In relation to sick children, it is proper to adhere to the revelations, which directs that the Elders should be called in that they may administer the ordinance ordained for the benefit of the sick. It is not improper, however, for sisters to administer to the sick children, but this should not be done by authority of the Priesthood.

Letter from James Ephraim Steele, 8 May 1898

President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors Salt Lake City Ut Dear Brethren, Bishop W. F. Walker of the LaBelle Ward, Bingham Stake, has sold his home and moved to Lewisville. Thus leaving the people without a Bishop. My self and Council selected Bro. John G. Morgan the first Counselor to Bp Walker. And his name was presented to the High Council and they fully endorse him for Bishop of the LaBell ward to take the place of B[r]o Walker. If you Brethren feel he is the man we would be pleased to present him before the people for thair indorsement. So he could be set apart at our next quartly Conference Awaiting your your pleasure. I am your Bro & Co Labor Jos. E. Steele


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 8, 1898