Day in the Life

May 24, 1898

Journal Entry

May 24, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tues May 24 I had good night, raining very hard. After breakfast we drove
to the Oasis Station and found the special car ready & waiting for us which we
entered. We left at 12 oclock, arrived at Juab at 230 some of the party had dinner
we arrived on time at the city, our carriages awaiting us & drove home.


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Letter from Arthur J. Done, 24 May 1898

Provo, Utah May 24, 98 Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear brother, As you have requested that I be ready to leave Salt Lake City for my missionary field in Germany on July 8, 1898, with the help of our Heavenly Father I will be ready to leave on that day. As regards my journey to Germany, I wish to use my eyes every minute that is possible, that I might be able

Letter from Elias Davis, 24 May 1898

Mendon Pres Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother yours of May 19th recieved & can say if nothing further happens, I shall be ready at the appointed time. Your brother Elias Davis H Hughes Bp

Letter from Joseph Smithies, 24 May 1898

Heber Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In reply to the call made of me to fill a mission in the northeren States all I have to say is I will be ready at the appointed time. your Brother in the gospel Joseph Smithies Thomas Hicken Jr Bishop of Ward

Letter from Ulysses Simpson Cline, 24 May 1898

Grantsvill President Woodruf Dear Bro I'm responding to the call for a mission to the South I Will try to Bee on hand By the 17 of November 1898 the day of your apoointment Very Respectfuly your Brother U S Cline Bro Woodruff I take pleasure in being able to recommend Bro. Cline as worthy the Call. Your Bro. in Gospel of Christ James L. Wrathall Bishop.

Letter from William Henderson Dickson, 24 May 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro.; Received your letter asking me to prepare for a mission to the Northern States. Will say I am willing to go and perform that labor and will be ready to leave by June 2nd. Your Brother Wm H. Dickson. Brother Dickson all right A. D. Dickson Bp

Letter from Walter Charles Cole Jr., 24 May 1898

Mr Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir My circumstances are such that I cannot go on my mission in July and if it is agreeable would like to have it posponed until October. Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Truly Yours Chas. Cole Write his dep. has been postponed until Oct. 13

Letter from Frank LeRoy Corbett, 24 May 1898

Smithfield Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: I received Your Letter instructing me to be prepared to go on a Mission to the Southern Sates, to leave Salt Lake Sept 15th next. The Lords being willing I will be ready to start at the time appointed. Your Brother in Christ Frank Corbett

Letter from James Thomas Rich, 24 May 1898

Pesident Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your letter notifying me that my name had been sent in and accepted as A missionary to the Southern States and in reply I accept the call and will be at the Historian office at the time appointed november 16th 1898 your Brother in the gospel James T Rich Brother Rich all right A D Dickson Bp


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 24, 1898