Day in the Life

May 23, 1898

Journal Entry

May 23, 1898 ~ Monday

Monday May 23rd I was quite restless in the night and felt that I must go home today,
but felt better & concluded to stay until tomorrow. I attended the conference at 9 am
I stayed at Bro Hales and rested. The church authorities were presented & accepted.
Bros Geo M Cannon, K. G. Maeser & A O Woodruff spoke. Bros Cannon Maeser & Jensen
left by this mornings train for Salt Lake city. The conference convened at 2 pm
After singing & prayer, B[isho]p A Solomon spoke, Bro L John Nuttall followed for 30
minutes & Pres Jos. F. Smith spoke 1 hour & 18 mints, read the 14 chapter of 1st Corinthians
and referred to the 2nd chapter of Acts of the apostles. Conference adjourned. I rested
all day.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
574 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Cannon, George Mousley
25 Dec 1861 - 23 Jan 1937
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4054 mentions
Maeser, Karl Gottfried
16 Jan 1828 - 15 Feb 1901
501 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905


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Letter from John Jones, b. 1851, 23 May 1898

Wood Land president Woodruff Dear Brother I Received your Letter of Notifycation dated May 17, 1898 and in answer to the same will say that I will be on hand at the stated time and will do the best that I Can with the help of the Lord your Brother in the Gospel John Jones P.S. president wilford woodruff Dear Brother I think Bro Jones will acomplish a good mission as he has a good understanding of the gospel of Christ and is firm in the same your Brother in the Gospel Ephraim Lambert Bp

Letter from Peter Jensen, 23 May 1898

Geneva President Wilford Woodruf Dear Brother In reply to your letter appointing me as Misionary to Skandinavia I will be prepared to go in August the time named, but would prefer to wait until September as circomstances have accured that will make it hard tofor me to raise the nessesary means until about that time. There are two other Misionaries going from here then if possible I would

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 23 May 1898

To the First Presidency: Salt Lake City, Dear Brethren: Elder Ebenezer Bryce is one of our aged veterans who desires to go to Lynn, Mass. to visit his l relatives and look up geneology. I very much de- sire for his sake if right and proper to set him a part as a missionary that he may enjoy the privelages if this is agree- able. Kindly instruct me and return to him through Bro. Spence's letter his credentials and you will greatly oblige. Your Brother Andrew Kimball That will be all right, so that it be understood he will meet his own expenses going & returning J. F. S.

Letter from Robert McQuarrie and Louis Frederick Moench to the First Presidency, 23 May 1898

Ogden, Utah. To the Presidency of the C. J. C. L. D. S. Box B., Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: Your favor of May 13th, containing check of $1875.70, re- ceived and contents of letter noted. In behalf of the Board permit us to return you our sincere thanks for thus promptly relieving us of the obligations due so far as the interest is concerned, and we take pleasure in saying that all are satis- fied so far as we have heard, excepting the New England Loan and Trust Co. Immediately on the receipt of your check and in accordance with your instructions we send them the interest and asked them for an extension of time on the $1000 due Apr. 1st [18]98. In reply we received the enclosed letter which we kindly enclose for your consideration. Awaiting an early reply we remain very respectfully your brethren, Robert McQuarrie, Treas. L F Moench, Principal.

Letter from Benjamin Cluff Jr. to the First Presidency, 23 May 1898

(DICTATED.) Presidents Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Our new College building is now complete and ready for its equipment. To furnish it with seats, we propose the following: That members of the Church who may desire be permitted to purchase a seat for themselves, or one of their children, which seat shall be known by the name of the purchaser, and his name be written or printed on it. When, therefore, a member of his family reaches the Collegiate department, that member will have a right to occupy that seat in preference to any others. In this way I am quite certain that all of the seats desired can be obtained. There will be two prices corresponding with the two kinds of seats. Those in class rooms will be $1.75 each, while those in the main hall will be $2.25 each. To bring this matter properly before the people it is suggested that we ask our teachers to go out during the summer vacation in the various stakes. These teachers could, besides laboring in the interest of college equipment, la- bor as well among the young people in the interest of Church school education. They could hold meetings, attend Sabbath schools and Improvement Associations, and in every way work up a desire among the young people to obtain a proper edu- cation. Should this plan of raising means for our seats, and of laboring among the young people, meet your approval, you will greatly oblige us by writing me to that effect, that I may in my letters to the bishops and presidents of stakes tell them that you have been consulted and that we have your approval. Very respectfully your brother in the Gospel, Benjamin Cluff, Jr.

Letter from Charles K. Parkinson, 23 May 1898

Wellsville President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro. I am veary sorry to think that I have got to write you this kind of a Letter But I though it best to do so. Eight Days a ago I took very sick and I went to the Doctor to see what he could do for me and to find out what it was and the Doctor said it was Gravel, and a very bad case he did not know how Long it would take to clear it forom my Body. He though that I would not be fit to take mission for T Two ore Three years so I though I would write and lt let you know for I know that you know best Your Bro ^In^ Gospel Charles K. Parkinsen Very well, let him be excused

Letter from Frank Mecham, 23 May 1898

Wallsburgh President Woodruff Dear Brother, I received your's of the 17 appointing me a missionary to the Eastern States I will be there on the appointed time if all is well If you would have some one write and tell me how much means it will take to get my suplys and take me there I will be very thankful to you, as I do not have eny idea what I will need. I remain Your Brother in the Gospel Frank Mecham Wallsburgh Wasatch Co. Utah [sideways text] F. A. Fraughton Bp [end of sideways text]

Letter from John Wesley Wintle, 23 May 1898

Ogden, Utah. May 23, 1898. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: No doubt you have been looking for an answer to your letter for some time, but I have been wating to hear from my brother in Idaho. During that time I have been making preperations for that mission that being Gods desire, I will fill it to the best of my ability.


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 23, 1898