Day in the Life

May 27, 1898

Journal Entry

May 27, 1898 ~ Friday

Friday May 27th drove to the office feeling well, was quite busy all day,
and went home at 4 pm.


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Letter from Torval Keller, 27 May 1898

Mink Creek Presdt., Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear President, In Sept. [18]96, I received a missionary call. And in the spring following by the request of our Bishop I wrote you my circumstances, both bodily and financially. Was granted more time to prepare with orders to write you when ready I will be ready any time after the 1st of July. Please give necessary information in regards to means, clothing,

Letter from Anthony Woodward Ivins, 27 May 1898

Colonia Juarez. . Prest. W. Woodruff &. Counsellors. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren:- I regret to inform you that our steam saw mill known as the Thatcher Mill was entirely destr- oyed, on tuesday night last, by fire. The origen of the fire is not known. The foreman made his usual round before going to bed and all appeared to be as safe as could be desired. About mid- night the mill was discovered in flames and was entirely con- sumed. By hard labor the lumber on hand was saved. The mill gave employment to a good many men and has been a good paying inv- estment. We have a good many logs cut which should be used or they will rot^,^ and have agreed that if it meets your approval the mill should be replaced. This we can do with funds on hand and belonging to the mill company. The stock is held as follows: Trustee in Trust $2500.00, Moses Thatcher $2250.00, W. B. Preston $625.00, Unknown owner $625.00. We have lumber on hand worth $15000.00, other asstets $4000.00, liabilities about $7000.00, sale for the lumber is not ready but we think we can meet all of our liabilities and put in a new mill if it meets with your approval. Please let us know ^your conclusion^ as soon as convenient so that we may know what to do. Your brother, Anthony W. Ivins

Letter from Joseph Helm, 27 May 1898

Pleasant View, Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother I feel well with regards to my call to go on a mission and will be pleased to to go I will try to be ready at the stated time (August) no date mentioned in your letter. Your Brother in the Gospel. Joseph Helm. E. W. Wade Bp Pleasant View Ward

Letter from Samuel G. Dye, 27 May 1898

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Bro: Your letter announcing my appoint- ment to the North Western States Mission; recieved and contents noted. There is nothing to hinder me; and I shall be ready and willing to go on the date appointed. Your Brother in the Gospel Samuel G. Dye Sanford Bingham Bp

Telegram from Robert McQuarrie, 27 May 1898

Ogden Ut Pres. W. Woodruff I cannot say how much of the thousand dollars we can raise until the board meets. R. McQuarrie. 1 50 P. [sideways text] QUICK SERVICE. See Office Address on this Message. [end of sideways text] Answer by THIS LINE SURE.


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Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

May 27, 1898