Day in the Life

Aug 2, 1898

Journal Entry

August 02, 1898 ~ Tuesday

Tuesday Aug 2nd. I have been quite at the office all day on financial
matters until 4 pm. My son James met with a severe accident to his eye this
afternoon at Z.C.M.I.


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Woodruff, James Jackson
25 May 1847 - 8 Dec 1927
89 mentions


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Letter from William G. Hayward, 2 August 1898
Pres Woodruff Dear Bro I beg to apologize for not answering sooner with regard to taking a mission to Montana. I received a notice early in March asking me to meet Apostle Cowley with regard to this matter which I did and reported that I would be prepared to go this fall, and received notice I had been assigned to the Montana Mission, and from re reading the letter I find I should have answered sooner. however I will say that I accept with pleasure the Labor assigned me hoping this is satisfactory I remain your Bro in the Gospel Wm G. Hayward Wm West Bp.
Letter from Alma Iversen, 2 August 1898
Brigham City, Aug. 2 [18]98. First Presidency, Salt Lake City Dear Bretheren One year ago, last May, you ask me if I was willing to take a mission and to name the earliest date I would be able to go. I will be ready to go any time after Aug. 25th 1898. You will kindly let me know as soon as possible where and when you wish me to go, so I can


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Aug 2, 1898