Day in the Life

Aug 27, 1898

Journal Entry

August 27, 1898 ~ Saturday

Sat Aug 27 I examined [blank] through the glass [blank]
[blank] I went to the barbers and got shaved
and had hair cut. By invitation I attended the
Bohemian Club this evening, which contains 600 members
I occupied a seat by the side of "Uncle George Bromley."
I was the oldest man, he next. Many speeches were made
in the club. I was also called upon and made a speech which
appeared to be highly appreciated. It was the largest club
I ever met with. A great variety of things were said in the
pspeaches. Myself, George Q Cannon, H. B. Clawson and Col.

Trumbo were present. It was a very interesting meeting.


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Letter from Charles Edward Twitchell, 2 August 1898
Collinston utah President Wilford Woodruff Dear brother your letter just at hand ^and^ you wish to know what my feelings are in regard to the Call to take a mission to northwestern states i am willing to accept the Call and i will be ready at the appointed time your brother in the gospel Charles Twitchell Francillo Durfey Bp
Estate Papers - Receipt, 27 August 1898
Salt Lake City, Utah, Received from A. HartWoodruff sum of [ink blot] Dollars, 100 on account of Weekly to Jan 1st 1899 DESERET NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Per E B M [sideways text] SUBSCRIPTION RATE 1 Year. 6 Mos. 3 Mos. 1 Mo DAILY, $7.50 $3.75 $1.90 .60 SEMI-WEEKLY, 2.00 1.00 .50 WEEKLY, 2.00 1.00 .50 [end of sideways text]


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Aug 27, 1898