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Day in the Life

Aug 28, 1898

Journal Entry

August 28, 1898 ~ Sunday

Sunday Aug 28th Myself, Geo Q Cannon, H B Clawson Col Trumbo & Mrs Woodruff
attended the Mormon meeting in San Francisco. There was quite a congregation
all Saints but two. It was a very interesting meeting. I spoke first
followed by Bro Geo Q Cannon. At the close of the meeting we took seats
together, and all the congregation came and shook hands with
us. We had an excellent time. We were visited by some friends in
the evening.


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
874 mentions
1966 mentions
Clawson, Hiram Bradley
7 Nov 1826 - 29 Mar 1912
125 mentions
102 mentions


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Letter from Estella Rust, 28 August 1898
Koosharem, Utah President Wifford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of the 9th, has been re'cd. Was pleased to learn that I was worthy to be called as one among that noble band of missionaries; but after much consideration and consultation with Apostles Lyman and Lund I was advised under my circumstances to be set apart and go as a visitor, that I might return at the end of six months to again live on our land. They said under these conditions I would be permitted to take my child. I had only thought of going as a vis^i^tor when Pres. Jack suggested to my husband that I be called. Am willing to devote all my time and do all I can in my weak way while there. Can be ready to go after the 1st, of Oct. Would be pleased to know at what dates Elders are going, as I do not desire to travel alone. An early ans. will be greatfully accepted. Your Sister in the Gosple Estella Rust. P.S. Please excuse delay in answering. E A Bagley Bish
Letter from Sylvester Low Jr., 28 August 1898
Smithfield Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro I Cheerfully accept the call to spend my time and talent for the fSpreading of Gospel of Jesus Christ in any land or Clime for as long time as may be required. Your Brother in the Church of Christ Sylvester Low Jr. Bro S. Low Jr. is a faithful Elder in this Ward, and will make a good efficient mission- ary and I cheerfully recom- mend him to your Kind Consideration. Your Bro in the Gospel Geo L. Farrell Bishop


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Aug 28, 1898