members of the ward, at the Fast Meeting, or the Monthly Priesthood Meeting?
It was the mind of the Council that the regulation of confessions in such
cases should be left to the Bishopric of the Ward in which the wrong-doing
occurs; and that each case be considered on its merits, and disposed of
according to the publicity which has been given to it. For instance, where
people guilty of adultery or fornication confess their sin, and their trans-
gression is known only to themselves, the confession should not be made public.
But where publicity has been given to it, the confession should be made before
the priesthood of the ward at the regular monthly priesthood meeting; or, if it
be deemed advisable by the Bishopric that a still more public confession should
be made, it shall mean that the confession shall be made at the monthly
Fast Meeting (which meetings are attended almost, if not, exclusively by
church members) and that in no case shall confessions be made at the
regular Sunday services.
The object of this restriction is to confine the confession as much
as possible to the circle acquainted with the wrong-doing, and to avoid
spreading the knowledge of sin, according to the revelation, which says
(Doc & Cov. Sec. 42, 89) that such things "shall be done in a meeting, and
that not before the world."
As a rule, therefore, where the knowledge of transgression is known
to but a few, the confession (if required to be made at all) should be made at
the priesthood meeting, and only in such cases where the offence has become
a public scandal and reproach to the church should the more public
confession be made.
We are
Your Brethren,
Wilford Woodruff
members of the ward, at the Fast Meeting, or the Monthly Priesthood Meeting?
It was the mind of the Council that the regulation of confessions in such
cases should be left to the Bishopric of the Ward in which the wrong-doing
occurs; and that each case be considered on its merits, and disposed of
according to the publicity which has been given to it. For instance, where
people guilty of adultery or fornication confess their sin, and their transgression is known only to themselves, the confession should not be made public.
But where publicity has been given to it, the confession should be made before
the priesthood of the ward at the regular monthly priesthood meeting; or, if it
be deemed advisable by the Bishopric that a still more public confession should
be made, it shall mean that the confession shall be made at the monthly
Fast Meeting (which meetings are attended almost, if not, exclusively by
church members) and that in no case shall confessions be made at the
regular Sunday services.
The object of this restriction is to confine the confession as much
as possible to the circle acquainted with the wrong-doing, and to avoid
spreading the knowledge of sin, according to the revelation, which says
(Doc & Cov. Sec. 42, 89) that such things "shall be done in a meeting, and
that not before the world."
As a rule, therefore, where the knowledge of transgression is known
to but a few, the confession (if required to be made at all) should be made at
the priesthood meeting, and only in such cases where the offence has become
a public scandal and reproach to the church should the more public
confession be made.
We are
Your Brethren,
Wilford Woodruff