The Lord has raised up Prophets And Apostles
who have cryed aloud to this Generation with the proc-
lamation of the gospel for half a centaury and warned
them of the Judgments which were to come, And the
inhabitants of the Earth have rejected this Testimony
and shed the Blood of the Lords Anointed, and persecuted
the Saints of God, And the consequence is that darkness
covers the Earth, and gross darkness the people and the
Lord is withholding his spirit from the inhabitants
of the Earth and the Devil is ruling over his own kingdom
and sin wickedness and abominations of Every kind
have increased a hundred fold within the last few
years untill the whole Earth is filled with Murder whoredom
Blasphemies and Every crime in the Black catalogue
that was manifest in the Antideluvian world or Sodem
and Gomorrah untill the whole Earth groans under its
abominations, and the Heavens weep and all Eternity
is pained And the Angels are waiting the Great command
to go forth and reap down the Earth [Doctrine and Covenants 38:12]. This testimony
I bear to all Nations under Heavens. This is my faith,
my belief, and my opinion. I know they are true by the
inspiration of Almighty God. And the decree of the supreme
Court of the United States, bears me out in the opinion that
the Constitution gives me the privilege of Enjoying my
Belief, faith, and opinion in religion if I do not act.
Therefore the action, and Execution of ^all^ these Tremendious
Events I leave for the God of Heaven to Execute which He most
assuredly will.
The Lord has raised up Prophets And Apostles
who have cryed aloud to this Generation with the proclamation of the gospel for half a centaury and warned
them of the Judgments which were to come, And the
inhabitants of the Earth have rejected this Testimony
and shed the Blood of the Lords Anointed, and persecuted
the Saints of God, And the consequence is that darkness
covers the Earth, and gross darkness the people and the
Lord is withholding his spirit from the inhabitants
of the Earth and the Devil is ruling over his own Kingdom
and sin wickedness and abominations of Every kind
have increased a hundred fold within the last few
years untill the whole Earth is filled with Murder whoredom
Blasphemies and Every crime in the Black catalogue
that was manifest in the Antideluvian world or Sodem
and Gomorrah untill the whole Earth groans under its
abominations, and the Heavens weep and all Eternity
is pained And the Angels are waiting the Great command
to go forth and reap down the Earth. This testimony
I bear to all Nations under Heavens. This is my faith,
my belief, and my opinion. I know they are true by the
inspiration of Almighty God. And the decree of the supreme
court of the United States, bears me out in the opinion that
the Constitution gives me the privilege of Enjoying my
Belief, faith, and opinion in Religion if I do not act.
Therefore the action, and Execution of all these Tremendious
Events I leave for the God of Heaven to Execute which He most
assuredly will.
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 26, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,