And who will stand when He appeareth. The fig trees are
leaving, and the signs of all heavens and Earth indicate
the Coming of the Son of Man. The seals are about to be opened,
the plagues to be poured forth, your rivers and seas will
be turned to Blood [Revelation 16:3-4], and to gaul, and the inhabitants of the Earth
will die of those plagues. And the unbelief of Great Babylon
with the whole Christian world will not make the truths of
God without Effect. Let the world for an example look at
the Ancient cities of the Nations, whare is Thebes, Tyre, Sidon, Nineveh, And Babylon the Great which were built
to defy all time and all power but God himself? They were
laid in the dust, and their inhabitants destroyed when they were
ripened in iniquity and that to in fulfillment of the word
of God unto them through the voice of humble men, who spake
as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost. In like manner
was Jerrusalem destroyed and the Jews scattered among
the Gentiles in fulfillment of the words of Moses and Jesus
Christ. Will the Lord any more spare the cities of the
Gentiles and Great Babylon than the ancient cities and
the cities of Jews? No, verrily No. The question may be
asked why are these Judgments coming upon the world
in the last days. I answer because of the wickedness of
the inhabitants thereof. The vary Proclamation of the Angel
of God when He delivered the fulness of the Gospel as recorded
in the revelations of St John, was "crying with a loud
voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of Gods
Judgment is come" [Revelation 14:7] ^and when that proclamation was made to Joseph Smith the prophet it was half a centaury ago^ Light has come into the world and
Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are Evil [John 3:19]
And who will stand when He appeareth. The fig trees are
leaving, and the signs of all heavens and Earth indicate
the Coming of the Son of Man. The seals are about to be opened,
the plagues to be poured forth, Your river and seas will
be turned to Blood, and to gaul, and the inhabitants of the Earth
will die of those plagues. And the unbelief of Great Babylon
with the whole Christian world will not make the truths of
God without Effect. Let the world for an example look at
the Ancient Cities of the Nations, whare is Thebes, Tyre,
Sidon, Nineveh, And Babylon the Great which were built
to defy all time and all power but God himself? They were
laid in the dust, and their inhabitants destroyed when they were
ripened in iniquity and that to in fulfillment of the word
of God unto them through the voice of humble men, who spake
as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost. In like manner
was Jerrusalem destroyed and the Jews scattered among
the Gentiles in fulfillment of the words of Moses and Jesus
Christ. Will the Lord any more spare the cities of the
Gentiles and Great Babylon than the ancient cities and
the cities of the Jews? No, verrily No. The question may be
asked why are these Judgments coming upon the world
in the last days. I answer because of the wickedness of
the inhabitants thereof. The vary Proclamation of the Angel
of God when He delivered the fulness of the Gospel as recorded
in the Revelations of St John, was "crying with a loud
voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of Gods
Judgment is come". and when that proclamation was made to Joseph Smith the prophet it was half a centaury ago Light has come into the world and
Men love darkness rather than the light because their deeds are Evil
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 26, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025,