Apostle spoke, & said "I am
with the testimony, & teachings of the brethren who have
spoken, many new things have been presented to my mind."
spoke of the labors reques[t]ed for the spread of the gospel—
the obligations which the L.D.S. were under to carry it to
the nations of the Earth—the labor of the millennium—the
redemption of the dead who never heard the Gospel,
the importance of obeying all the commandments
of God, which now exist, & which may hereafter be
given. said "I have witnessed the fulfillment of
numerous propecies given through ."
Prayed God to bless his people & preserve them from
the hands of their enemies. Elder
was grattified to see the rappid growth of ,
& adjacent settlements of the Saints. said "the
first conference held in this place (Manassa) was
in an old stable which furnished sufficient room
for all present." (the Saints in this place) Exhorted the people
to encourage education—the observance of the & prayed God to bless all who are engaged in the
cause of truth. Apostle said
"It is impossible for us to receive at one lecture
all the wisdom, & knowledge, which God intends
Apostle spoke, & said "I am
with the testimony, & teachings of the brethren who have
spoken, many new things have been presented to my mind."
spoke of the labors requested for the spread of the gospel—
the obligations which the L.D.S. were under to carry it to
the nations of the Earth—the labor of the millennium—the
redemption of the dead who never heard the Gospel,
the importance of obeying all the commandments
of God, which now exist, & which may hereafter be
given. said "I have witnessed the fulfillment of
numerous propecies given through ."
Prayed God to bless his people & preserve them from
the hands of their enemies. Elder
was grattified to see the rappid growth of ,
& adjacent settlements of the Saints. said "the
first conference held in this place (Manassa) was
in an old stable which furnished sufficient room
for all present." (the Saints in this place) Exhorted the people
to encourage education—the observance of the word of
wisdom & prayed God to bless all who are engaged in the
cause of truth. Apostle said
"It is impossible for us to receive at one lecture
all the wisdom, & knowledge, which God intends