trail is made but it requires a steady
nerve and clear head to pass over
these trails. As you start down the
cliff rises perpendicular above but
a few feet but Below you look down 3000 feet into what appears to be the last
Jumping off place the trail is from 4 to
8 feet wide but in many places by
constant use is worn deep into the
rock thare are few men who can
bear to look upon the Giddy sight &
some have to be fast and upon their
Horses & blindfolded in order to make
the descent. The Indians say there
are some of the falls betwen whare
they live and the Colorado Canyons
are grand Beyond description in this
Deep & beautiful valley this little band
of Supies live thay have orchards of peach
trees, and raise an abundance, they also
raise all the grain & vegitable they con-
sume, they go out of this deep gulch
& kill a great many deer & other game
they trade there skins with other tribes
for Blankets and are caled the princes
trail is made but it requires a steady
nerve and clear head to pass over
these trails As you start down the
Cliff rises perpendiculer above for
a few feet to or Below you look down
3000 feet into what appears to be the last
Jumping off place the trail is from 4 to
8 feet wide not in many places by
constant use is worn deep into the
rock there are few men who can
haan to look upon the Giddy sight &
some leave to be fast and upon their
Horses & blindfolded in order to make
the descent The Indians say there
are some of the falls betwen whae
that live and the Colorado Canyon
are grand Beyond description in thir
Deep & beautiful valley this little hand
of Supies live they have orchards of peach
trees and raise an abundance, they also
raise all the grain & vegitable that con
some, they go out of this day, golds
& kill a great many clean & other guns
that trade there shiin with other tribes
for Blankets and are Caled the princes